

Südstrasse 8, Altmittweida 09648
Founded: 1994
Employees: 50-99
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About us

5 Product and services

LV Special
LV Special
Is your task different? - Since 1994, we have been developing custom machines for laser material processing in collaboration with our customers. We u...
LV Mini
LV Mini
The LV Mini is a highly flexible laser processing machine designed for the rapid processing of a wide variety of small workpieces with complex compone...
Laser Hardening - Contract Manufacturing
Laser Hardening - Contract Manufacturing
Laser surface hardening with case depths from 0.1 mm to 2.0 mm. We perform surface hardening (case depths from 0.1 mm to a maximum of 2 mm) on finish...
Laser Cladding - Contract Manufacturing
Laser Cladding - Contract Manufacturing
Laser cladding, also known as cladding with powder or wire feedstock.
LV Midi
LV Midi
The LV Midi is a CNC machine that can be delivered as a 3-, 4-, or 5-axis system. It is suitable for laser welding, laser hardening, and laser claddin...

Location and contact

AddressSüdstrasse 8, DE-09648 Altmittweida

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