

Im Südfeld 17, Senden-Bösensell 48308
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1932
Employees: 100-199
Supplier type
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About us
LANGGUTH delivers tailored, high-quality solutions for product labeling - worldwide. The machines embody the inventive spirit of LANGGUTH's engineers, who consistently develop exemplary solutions in collaboration with their partners. Long-term partnerships with customers, representatives, suppliers, and among all employees reflect the value system of the family-owned company LANGGUTH, which has a tradition spanning over 85 years.

4 Product and services

moduLAN 800 - Modular Round Runner
moduLAN 800 - Modular Round Runner
The moduLAN machine series includes the rotary labeling machines from LANGGUTH. What no longer works on straight-line machines can be achieved at the ...
wetLAN 110 - Wet Glue Labeling Machine
wetLAN 110 - Wet Glue Labeling Machine
With the wetLAN machine series, LANGGUTH successfully combines traditional wet glue technology with straight-line labeling processes. Various machine ...
selfLAN 510 - Labeling Machine
selfLAN 510 - Labeling Machine
The selfLAN 510 machine is the flexible type from LANGGUTH. The highly standardized modules allow for a customized system configuration according to y...
hotLAN 310 - Hot Glue Labeling Machine
hotLAN 310 - Hot Glue Labeling Machine
The high-performance machine. The hotLAN system on the LANGGUTH straight-line machines has been developed for labeling canned goods. The machine achie...

Location and contact

AddressIm Südfeld 17, DE-48308 Senden-Bösensell
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