

Viale Del Lavoro, Arcole 37040
Employees: 20-49
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About us
Sale of painted sheets, raw sheets, almond-shaped sheets, and rice grain sheets; Sale of commercial profiles: bars, tubes, angles, and profiles; Sale of composite panels; Sheet painting service with RAL colors and other effects; Anodic oxidation service for sheets; Decoration service with wood, marble, and fantasy effects for sheets.

3 Product and services

Sale of composite panels
Sale of composite panels
Composite panels are coverings primarily used in modern industrial construction and for the creation of exterior facades.
Coating with suitable colors for bending
Coating with suitable colors for bending
Lamex is a rapidly growing company that, thanks to its deep technical knowledge and use of aluminum, has become a leader in the processing and sale of...
Sheet Metal Sales
Sheet Metal Sales
Lamex offers a wide range of aluminum alloy laminates available for immediate delivery: • Powder-coated sheets (1013, 6005, 9006, 9010, marbled gray...

Location and contact

AddressViale Del Lavoro, IT-37040 Arcole
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