

Kurzhuberstr. 8, München 81825
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2022
Employees: 5-9
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12 Product and services

Bi-Metal / Bi-Metal+Plug - Bimetal Composite Sliding BearingNext
Bi-Metal / Bi-Metal+Plug - Bimetal Composite Sliding Bearing
For better support of emergency running properties, or simply to reduce expensive purchasing costs when using pure bronze sliding bearings, we offer s...
Steel/Bronze/Stainless Steel + PTFE - Metal-Polymer Sliding Bearings with PTFENext
Steel/Bronze/Stainless Steel + PTFE - Metal-Polymer Sliding Bearings with PTFE
The thin-walled, rolled metal-polymer sliding bearings according to DIN 1494 / ISO 3547 include a maintenance-free variant [Type: RT*], which is equip...
Spring Steel - Spring Steel Sliding BearingNext
Spring Steel - Spring Steel Sliding Bearing
In applications with strong vibrations or impacts, a spring steel bearing [Type: RF*] according to DIN 1498 Type EG can be used, which, due to its spe...
Sintered Bronze + Sintered Iron (A20 / B20) + Oil/MoS2 - Sintered sliding bearing made of bronze and iron with oil or MoS2Next
Sintered Bronze + Sintered Iron (A20 / B20) + Oil/MoS2 - Sintered sliding bearing made of bronze and iron with oil or MoS2
The most widely used version of sintered sliding bearings is the sintered sliding bearing according to DIN 1850 / ISO 2795, which is based on an A50 b...
Sintered Bronze (A50-A51 / B50-B51) + Oil/MoS2 - Sintered sliding bearing made of bronze with oil or MoS2Next
Sintered Bronze (A50-A51 / B50-B51) + Oil/MoS2 - Sintered sliding bearing made of bronze with oil or MoS2
The most widely used version of sintered sliding bearings is the sintered sliding bearing according to DIN 1850 / ISO 2795, which is based on an A50 b...
Bronze / Bronze+Plug - Bronze Sliding BearingNext
Bronze / Bronze+Plug - Bronze Sliding Bearing
In the case of solid, turned sliding bearings made from a bronze alloy, a distinction is made between the maintenance-required version [Type: MB] and ...
Steel/Bronze/Stainless Steel + PTFE Fabric - Metal-Polymer Sliding Bearings with PTFE FabricNext
Steel/Bronze/Stainless Steel + PTFE Fabric - Metal-Polymer Sliding Bearings with PTFE Fabric
These thin-walled, rolled metal-polymer sliding bearings according to DIN 1494 / ISO 3547 are equipped with a sliding layer made of high-strength PTFE...
Bi-Metal - Bimetal / Composite Sliding BearingNext
Bi-Metal - Bimetal / Composite Sliding Bearing
To better support emergency running properties, or simply to reduce expensive purchasing costs when using pure bronze sliding bearings, we offer so-ca...
Sintered Iron (A00 / B00) + Oil/MoS2 - Sintered sliding bearing made of iron with oil or MoS2Next
Sintered Iron (A00 / B00) + Oil/MoS2 - Sintered sliding bearing made of iron with oil or MoS2
The most widely used version of sintered sliding bearings is the sintered sliding bearing according to DIN 1850 / ISO 2795, which is based on an A50 b...
Steel + POM/PEEK - Metal-Polymer Sliding Bearings with POM or PEEKNext
Steel + POM/PEEK - Metal-Polymer Sliding Bearings with POM or PEEK
The thin-walled, rolled metal-polymer sliding bearings according to DIN 1494 / ISO 3547 include a maintenance-free variant [Type: RP*] that is based o...
Bronze - Bronze Sliding BearingNext
Bronze - Bronze Sliding Bearing
In the case of sliding bearings based on a bronze alloy, the thin-walled, rolled variant according to DIN 1494 / ISO 3547 is distinguished between mai...
Heavy-Duty Bronze 'LAMA L55' - Heavy-Duty Bronze LAMA L55Next
Heavy-Duty Bronze 'LAMA L55' - Heavy-Duty Bronze LAMA L55
For solid sliding bearings based on a bronze alloy, there is the option to use the ultra-strong "LAMA L55" special alloy [Type: MBH*] for applications...

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AddressKurzhuberstr. 8, DE-81825 München

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