Heerweg 15c, Denkendorf 73770
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9 Product and services

Revolution Pi Core – Open Source IPC
Revolution Pi Core – Open Source IPC
The RevPi Core is the base module of the Revolution Pi system. It is equipped with the Raspberry Pi Compute Module. The Compute Module features the BC...
Revolution Pi AIO – Analog I/O Module compatible with all RevPi Core
Revolution Pi AIO – Analog I/O Module compatible with all RevPi Core
With the RevPi AIO, the RevPi Core/Core 3 can be expanded to include four analog inputs (differential), two analog outputs, and two analog temperature...
KUNBUS-GW Modular Gateway – for all common industrial networks
KUNBUS-GW Modular Gateway – for all common industrial networks
Fast and cost-effective connection of various industrial networks...
KUNBUS-COM Communication Module
KUNBUS-COM Communication Module
Communication modules in various protocol variants for high-performance automation devices...
Revolution Pi DIO – Digital I/O Module compatible with the RevPi Core
Revolution Pi DIO – Digital I/O Module compatible with the RevPi Core
The RevPi DIO is the standard version of our I/O module and features 14 digital inputs and 14 digital outputs. With this digital I/O module, the RevP...
Revolution Pi Gate – Expansion module for integration into an industrial network
Revolution Pi Gate – Expansion module for integration into an industrial network
Seamless integration into an existing Modbus TCP network The RevPi Gate Modbus TCP is designed to easily integrate the RevPi Core into an existing Mo...
Revolution Pi Core 3 – Open Source IPC, powered by Raspberry Pi CM3
Revolution Pi Core 3 – Open Source IPC, powered by Raspberry Pi CM3
The RevPi Core 3 is the new base module of the Revolution Pi system. It is equipped with the Raspberry Pi Compute Module (BCM2837 processor with 1GB R...
KUNBUS-COM Communication Module
KUNBUS-COM Communication Module
Communication modules in various protocol variants for high-performance automation devices...
DIL-32 Plug-in Board KUNBUS-IC
DIL-32 Plug-in Board KUNBUS-IC
Communication module for compact devices in various protocol variants --- 3.3 V or 5 V / 1 or 2 ports / with or without transformer...

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AddressHeerweg 15c, DE-73770 Denkendorf
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