

Hörnsheimer Eck 13a, Wetzlar 35578
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Founded: 1883
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11 Product and services

Straight Tooth Bevel GearsNext
Straight Tooth Bevel Gears
0,00 €
Material ETG 100 or POM Drilling in H7 These bevel gears operate only in pairs at the specified gear ratio and not individually at a shaft angle of 90...
Screw shafts single and double-threadedNext
Screw shafts single and double-threaded
Material ETG 100 Shaft diameter in h6 Suitable for worm gears.
Straight Tooth Gears without HubNext
Straight Tooth Gears without Hub
Module 0.5 | Tooth width 2 mm Module 0.7 | Tooth width 3 mm Module 1.0 | Tooth width 4 mm Material EN CW 614 N Bore in H7 All compatible with spur ge...
Single and double-thread worm gearsNext
Single and double-thread worm gears
Material EN CC 483 K Bore in H7 Suitable for worms and worm shafts. Single or double-thread worm gear sets are primarily used where low noise and vibr...
Screw Wheels with HubNext
Screw Wheels with Hub
Material 11 S Mn Pb 30 K + C Bore in H7 Right-hand ascending To use standard profile tools, the diameter division m should always be taken from the st...
Right-hand single or double-threaded screwsNext
Right-hand single or double-threaded screws
Material ETG 100 Bore in H7 Suitable for worm gears.
Straight Tooth Gears with HubNext
Straight Tooth Gears with Hub
Our spur gears with hub are available here in various modules: Module 0.3 Module 1.0 Module 0.5 Module 1.5 Module 0.7 Compatible with spur gears...
Bevel Gears with HubNext
Bevel Gears with Hub
Material 11 S Mn Pb 30 K + C Bore in H7 Left-hand thread Suitable for helical gear racks To use standard profile tools, the diameter pitch m should al...
Rack and Pinion Straight ToothNext
Rack and Pinion Straight Tooth
Straight Tooth Racks Square Brass EN CW 614 N | Milling length 200 or 300 mm. Steel Pb 30 + C | Milling length 500 or 1000 mm. Straight Tooth Racks R...
Bevel GearNext
Bevel Gear
Material 11 S Mn Pb 30 + C | Other materials available upon request. Special left-hand gearing Shaft diameter in h6 Suitable for helical gear racks...
Hollow Gears Straight ToothNext
Hollow Gears Straight Tooth
Material Bronze centrifugal casting EN CC 483 K Outer diameter in k6 Suitable for spur gears with or without hub...

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AddressHörnsheimer Eck 13a, DE-35578 Wetzlar
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