

101 Place Pierre Duhem, Montpellier 34000
Delivery: National
Founded: 2018
Employees: 20-49
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5 Product and services

Koovea Temperature Monitoring System
Koovea Temperature Monitoring System
Discover the all-in-one temperature monitoring system from Koovea. Comprising a connected temperature recorder, a mobile router, and a monitoring app...
Koovea Connected Temperature Sensor
Koovea Connected Temperature Sensor
Discover the connected temperature sensor Koovea, capable of measuring temperatures ranging from -40°C to +80°C. This temperature logger for cold roo...
Temperature Tracking Solution for the Healthcare Sector - An all-in-one solution to preserve the integrity of healthcare productsNext
Temperature Tracking Solution for the Healthcare Sector - An all-in-one solution to preserve the integrity of healthcare products
As healthcare professionals, preserving the integrity of your temperature-sensitive products is essential. For reliable and intuitive temperature moni...
Multi-Operator Router Koovea Hub
Multi-Operator Router Koovea Hub
Thanks to the multi-operator cellular connectivity of our router, remote temperature monitoring of products is made possible worldwide. With a simpli...
Koovea Temperature Monitoring Application
Koovea Temperature Monitoring Application
Too many solutions on the market are time-consuming and require significant effort to implement. Koovea simplifies things for you with its temperature...

Location and contact

Address101 Place Pierre Duhem, FR-34000 Montpellier

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