Kolm 10, Eckernförde 24340
Founded: 1997
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About us
Recognized workshop for people with mental disabilities. We provide products and services in the areas of assembly, packaging, archiving, office, engraving, advertising, gardening, and cycling.

4 Product and services

Printed Products
Printed Products
Well printed: traditional printing craft...
Film Labeling
Film Labeling
Whether it's a small label, complete vehicle lettering, advertising banners, or cool wall decals – our sign makers have everything in vinyl! Sticker...
Upholstery Work
Upholstery Work
With us, you sit well: Repair and custom manufacturing of upholstered furniture...
Gleaming Pieces: Custom Jewelry
Gleaming Pieces: Custom Jewelry
Gems: Custom Jewelry from the Master Workshop...

Location and contact

AddressKolm 10, DE-24340 Eckernförde
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