

Mühlfelder Straße 18a, Herrsching 82211
Delivery: National
Founded: 2021
Employees: 20-49
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22 Product and services

Traffic Sign
Traffic Sign
In driving schools, they learn about them; modern cars recognize them using innovative camera technology: traffic signs. To ensure everyone knows the ...
Street Name Signs
Street Name Signs
In the car, you have the navigation system, but in the real world, signs with street names remain indispensable. Especially for emergency services, go...
Tourist Signposts
Tourist Signposts
We offer a wide portfolio of signage for both indoor and outdoor use, as well as tourist signage for hiking trails and cycling paths. Be open-minded:...
Occupational Safety
Occupational Safety
Work should not make you sick – therefore, appropriate functional workwear and the right personal protective equipment are essential. We provide ever...
Mobile Display Material
Mobile Display Material
To be able to set up various traffic facilities flexibly and mobile, you will find a wide selection of products here.
Traffic Mirror Glass 400x600 mm, Aluminum Frame, Mounting 48-90 mm
Traffic Mirror Glass 400x600 mm, Aluminum Frame, Mounting 48-90 mm
{"FEATURES":"Mirror 400x600 mm\nClear glass, super sharp image\nAluminum frame with reflective red/white 3M film\nIncludes mounting bracket 48-90 mm\n...
Gravel Container
Gravel Container
Products for snow and ice removal, such as salt containers, snow shovels, and snow markers, support winter services efficiently and ensure safe roads ...
Barrier Gates
Barrier Gates
Barrier gates are used to secure construction sites and events. They are available in metal and plastic. The plastic barriers are covered with RA2 or ...
Warnings and Notices
Warnings and Notices
With our selection of markings and signage for various applications, you create safety. In dangerous situations, rational thinking breaks down, and p...
Speed Display System
Speed Display System
DSD smart with battery...
Traffic Islands
Traffic Islands
Is traffic flowing so well that speeders are practically being invited? And can pedestrians hardly cross the street safely anymore? You can easily cou...
Regulatory Sign
Regulatory Sign
Regulatory signs clearly indicate at first glance what is allowed in a specific area of the roadway. Where can you drive? What does the traffic flow l...
Construction Site Security
Construction Site Security
Parents are indeed responsible for their children – but in general, every construction site operator is required to secure the danger area against pub...
Barrier Post
Barrier Post
With bollards or guide posts, you provide orientation that road users will appreciate. Our pre-check ensures that all products meet the requirements.
Dynamic Traffic Signs
Dynamic Traffic Signs
Dynamic traffic signs make it possible to respond flexibly to changes in traffic flow throughout the day. Germany is becoming more digital. Why shoul...

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Location and contact

AddressMühlfelder Straße 18a, DE-82211 Herrsching

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