

Rudolf-Koller-Straße 1, Vitis 3902
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1978
Employees: 200-499
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100 Product and services

Turning and Milling Parts 4Next
Turning and Milling Parts 4
various examples...
Rough FormworkNext
Rough Formwork
Width: 80 - 200 mm Length: 3, 4, 5 m...
pre-assembled cablesNext
pre-assembled cables
Cables of all kinds, best quality, service and advice, affordable and fast.
Drum Galvanization (Nickel)Next
Drum Galvanization (Nickel)
The options Bright Nickel and Nickel-Chrome are available for coating your parts.
Disinfection Tablets for Rinse Aid SystemNext
Disinfection Tablets for Rinse Aid System
Waterbrome effectively disinfects hot tub water, keeping it clear and clean. Application Guidelines: The dosage of Waterbrome is carried out using a s...
Examples of Our ToolsNext
Examples of Our Tools
Decades of experience and top-notch training guarantee a perfect product.
H20-Plus Formwork Beam with Rounded Protective CapNext
H20-Plus Formwork Beam with Rounded Protective Cap
Length 190, 245, 250, 265, 275, 290, 300, 330, 360, 390, 450, 490 cm...
Examples of Our ProductionNext
Examples of Our Production
Everything from a single source - Koller the complete provider...
Air NozzleNext
Air Nozzle
• Various piping systems: Adhesive, Cartridge, Clip On • Wide selection of covers in different designs and materials • Nozzle bodies in multiple lengt...
Terrace WoodNext
Terrace Wood
H20-Plus Formwork BeamNext
H20-Plus Formwork Beam
Available from stock...
Steam Bath SprayNext
Steam Bath Spray
Concentrate for Small Turkish Steam Baths RELAXAN Steam Bath Spray is made from fragrance oils that give the steam bath a pleasant scent, which soothe...
Electronics Development and Testing LaboratoryNext
Electronics Development and Testing Laboratory
Our long-term trained employees guarantee quality and short development times.
Roland SOLJET PROIII Print&Cut XC-540Next
Roland SOLJET PROIII Print&Cut XC-540
Cutting plotters up to 137 cm wide, high-quality large format printing on a variety of materials...
Firewood in Box 13 - 15 kgNext
Firewood in Box 13 - 15 kg
25 cm, dried beech wood ready for heating 33 cm, dried beech wood ready for heating...

Location and contact

AddressRudolf-Koller-Straße 1, AT-3902 Vitis

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