

Higis-Ring 20, Wiesbaum 54578
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2012
Employees: 5-9
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9 Product and services

3D Silicone Printing
3D Silicone Printing
High-resolution 3D printing for precise and highly flexible models. With a resolution of up to 30 µm, we create a smooth surface. The finest shape cha...
Optical Measurement using Coordinate Measuring System
Optical Measurement using Coordinate Measuring System
Thanks to high-precision measurement technology, precision measurements are possible over a wide range. No movement restrictions due to the wirel...
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
Printed using Markforged printers. The base material can be reinforced with one of four continuous fiber materials. CARBON FIBER: Highest strength-to...
Inkjet and Polyjet (FLT)
Inkjet and Polyjet (FLT)
In the layering process we use, liquid plastic is applied to the printing plate. In the next step, the plastic is smoothed and then cured with ultrav...
Laser Sintering (SLS)
Laser Sintering (SLS)
Laser sintering is a so-called powder bed process. In this process, plastic powder is applied in a thin layer onto a build platform. A laser traces t...
3D Laser Scanning
3D Laser Scanning
Our high-resolution, mobile 3D laser scanning technology allows us to digitize bodies of all types and sizes. The advantages of mobile 3D laser scann...
3D Design/Reverse Engineering
3D Design/Reverse Engineering
For the digitization or measurement of objects, we rely on Creaform's high-resolution, mobile 3D laser scanning technology. Objects up to the size of ...
High-Resolution 3D Printing
High-Resolution 3D Printing
High-resolution 3D printing for highly precise, transparent, and flexible models. With a resolution of up to 15 µm, we create very smooth surfaces. Th...
Stereolithography (SLA)
Stereolithography (SLA)
SLA is ideally suited for very detailed components with tight tolerances and smooth surfaces, such as molds, models, and functional parts. SLA is wid...

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Location and contact

AddressHigis-Ring 20, DE-54578 Wiesbaum

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