Zur Bergpflege 51-53, Koblenz 56070
Founded: 1969
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9 Product and services

Coating / coated parts / MIG-MAG welding
Coating / coated parts / MIG-MAG welding
MIG and MAG welding is a coating process for heavily stressed surfaces, utilizing a wide range of wear-resistant materials. In MIG welding (Metal Ine...
Coating / Coated Parts / PTA Welding / Overlay Welding
Coating / Coated Parts / PTA Welding / Overlay Welding
Plasma Transferred Arc is a coating process for highly stressed surfaces, offering a wide selection of wear-resistant materials. In PTA welding (Plas...
Cast Parts / Centrifugal Casting
Cast Parts / Centrifugal Casting
Casting process for the production of wear-resistant components with a wide selection of materials. Produces a dense microstructure. Mechanical proces...
Cast Parts / Precision Casting / Vacuum Precision Casting
Cast Parts / Precision Casting / Vacuum Precision Casting
Casting process for the production of wear-resistant components with a wide selection of materials. Mechanical processing according to customer specif...
PTA Systems / PTA Equipment / Order Welding
PTA Systems / PTA Equipment / Order Welding
We offer customized PTA systems for coating components. With the powder coating system, you can process our alloys in-house. Plasma-Transferred-Arc i...
Cast Parts / Sand Casting / Sand Molding
Cast Parts / Sand Casting / Sand Molding
Casting process for the production of wear-resistant components with a comprehensive selection of materials. Mechanical processing according to custom...
Coating / Coated Parts / High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) Spraying
Coating / Coated Parts / High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) Spraying
Thermal coating process for coating heavily stressed surfaces with a comprehensive selection of wear-resistant materials. In the HVOF process, contin...
Coating / coated parts / plasma spraying & flame spraying
Coating / coated parts / plasma spraying & flame spraying
Thermal coating process for coating heavily stressed surfaces with a comprehensive selection of wear-resistant materials.
Casting Parts / Molding / Croning Casting
Casting Parts / Molding / Croning Casting
Casting process for the production of wear-resistant components with a comprehensive selection of materials. Mechanical processing according to custom...

Location and contact

AddressZur Bergpflege 51-53, DE-56070 Koblenz
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