

Callenberger Str. 52, Coburg 96450
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1953
Employees: 1000+
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11 Product and services

Profile Grinding Machines
Profile Grinding Machines
In discontinuous profile grinding, the tooth flanks are machined one by one with single or multi-rib profiled tools. This process offers very high fle...
dressing gears - for dressing of honing ringsNext
dressing gears - for dressing of honing rings
Continuous gear honing is mainly used in the automotive industry as an alternative to generating grinding. This type of tool is also available as a se...
KN extender - Tool Management
KN extender - Tool Management
Tool Management with KN extender for optimizing tool and inventory management...
Measuring Machines
Measuring Machines
KNM 2X | 5X | 9X Gear measurement machines for small and medium workpieces up to 1,250 mm KNM X Gear measurement machines for large workpieces up to ...
Roll Grinding Machines
Roll Grinding Machines
In continuous gear grinding, the workpiece and the helical tool are constantly synchronized according to the gear ratio. The rotation of the workpiece...
Grinding Tools
Grinding Tools
Non-dressing Grinding Tools CBN profile grinding wheels in single or multi-ribbed roughing and finishing versions, e.g., for grinding external and in...
dressing rolls - for dressing of generating grinding toolsNext
dressing rolls - for dressing of generating grinding tools
Continuous generating grinding is one of the most productive technologies to grind high precision gear tooth flanks. KAPP manufactures dressing tools ...
non-dressable grinding tools - CBN profile grinding wheelsNext
non-dressable grinding tools - CBN profile grinding wheels
single or multi-ribbed roughing and finishing wheels suitable for grinding of external and internal gears for automotive and aircraft industry radial,...
Planing Tools
Planing Tools
In addition to CBN and diamond tools for hard fine machining of gears and profiles, the program includes dressing tools for profiling ceramic bonded g...
sintered dressing rolls - for dressing of profile grinding toolsNext
sintered dressing rolls - for dressing of profile grinding tools
Discontinuous profile grinding is usually used for smaller lot size production and also for bigger gears. Therefore KAPP delivers sintered diamond for...
Special Machines - GAS / GIS / HGS
Special Machines - GAS / GIS / HGS
Thread grinding machine GAS for external threads and similar profiles: Typical components include ball outer threads for vehicle steering systems, as ...

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AddressCallenberger Str. 52, DE-96450 Coburg
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