

Neulandstrasse 10, Sinsheim 74889
Founded: 1946
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12 Product and services

Winding, Unwinding, and Rewinding Machines
Winding, Unwinding, and Rewinding Machines
Our winding systems can be equipped with the following configurations, such as winding calculators with diameter adjustment, adjustable winding charac...
Embossing Machines
Embossing Machines
Embossing machines for embossing various types of goods such as: wallpapers, flooring, artificial leather, and films.
Coating Systems
Coating Systems
The technologies of Jakob Weiß & Sons encompass extensive know-how for the realization of complete systems with all necessary plant components. The im...
Calendars for embossing, smoothing, calibrating, and signing goods webs. The printing can be done either hydraulically or pneumatically. Depending on ...
Hot Melt Spray Lamination
Hot Melt Spray Lamination
In the hot melt spray lamination system, the hot melt adhesive is applied contactlessly to the conveyor belt. The Omega and Random-Fiber systems are a...
Spreading Machines
Spreading Machines
We offer individual units for spreading and coating powder, chip, granulate, paste, and paste dot applications in various types and designs. Additiona...
Goods Inspection Machines
Goods Inspection Machines
Goods inspection and wrapping devices with longitudinal cutters, edge or center cutting, automatic edge control, and goods conveyor tension regulation...
Stripping Machines
Stripping Machines
Our coating machines can be combined with various coating options for a wide range of applications, including painting on cylinders, coating tables, a...
Pilot-Coater PCS 30/40/50/60
Pilot-Coater PCS 30/40/50/60
The Pilot Coater PCS is designed for coating strip-shaped materials on a laboratory or pilot scale. With the Pilot Coater, new products and coating te...
Reverse Roll Coater
Reverse Roll Coater
The combined doctor blade and RRC unit is suitable for both cylinder doctor blades and reverse roll coating. To automatically control the application ...
Goods Storage
Goods Storage
We manufacture storage systems in both simple and space-saving triple designs. Our storage systems are designed as comb storage, which facilitates the...
Laminating Systems
Laminating Systems
Our laminating systems deliver optimal results for laminating fabrics, nonwovens, knits, films, or paper.

Location and contact

AddressNeulandstrasse 10, DE-74889 Sinsheim

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