

Schubertstrasse 14, Oberstenfeld 71720
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10 Product and services

Foam Rubber Seals
Foam Rubber Seals
Foam rubber is referred to as predominantly open-cell and elastic sealing material and is used in various ways as sealing material in the form of roun...
Form Parts
Form Parts
Through the variety of manufacturing methods, we can meet the diverse needs of the automotive and general industries and produce almost any custom-sha...
Round cord, round cord rings
Round cord, round cord rings
Round cords are produced through strand pressing (extrusion). They are supplied as meter goods. The standard materials are NBR 70, EPDM 65, and FKM 7...
Our extensive O-ring program includes all standard sizes/materials as well as various special designs.
FEP-coated O-rings
FEP-coated O-rings
FEP-coated O-rings are used wherever the chemical resistance of standard elastomer O-rings is no longer sufficient. The FEP-coated O-ring consists of...
PTFE O-Rings
PTFE O-Rings
The O-ring made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a closed ring with a circular cross-section.
FFKM O-Rings
FFKM O-Rings
Perfluoroelastomers are terpolymers made up of monomers in which all hydrogen atoms have been replaced by fluorine atoms. The absence of hydrogen in ...
PTFE Seals
PTFE Seals
PTFE – Polytetrafluoroethylene is a thermoplastic plastic that is milky white in color and has a waxy feel.
Cellular Rubber Seals
Cellular Rubber Seals
Cellular rubber, unlike sponge rubber, is a closed-cell, foam-like elastomer that is used for sealing, insulating, soundproofing, and vibration dampen...
Die-cut seals, hose rings
Die-cut seals, hose rings
With die-cut seals, there are almost no limits to customer wishes. Various materials are processed with or without adhesive backing. You can obtain b...

Company images

Sealing TechnologyO-ringsForm partsPTFE sealsStanzdichtungen, SchlauchringeRundschnur, RundschnurringeFoam rubber sealsCellular rubber seals

Location and contact

AddressSchubertstrasse 14, DE-71720 Oberstenfeld

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