

7 route de Coton, LA TRETOIRE 77510
Delivery: National
Founded: 2002
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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35 Product and services

Armband - Evacuation
Armband - Evacuation
Brassard evacuation...
Defibrillator Cabinet - Fire Alarm
Defibrillator Cabinet - Fire Alarm
Sale and installation of defibrillator cabinet...
Verification - BAES
Verification - BAES
BAES verification (emergency blocks) of any brand...
Cover - ProtectionNext
Cover - Protection
Fire extinguisher protection cover...
Fire Extinguisher - 6 kg
Fire Extinguisher - 6 kg
Sale and installation of 6 kg ABC powder fire extinguishers with permanent pressure...
Sale - Emergency BlocksNext
Sale - Emergency Blocks
Sale and installation of emergency lighting systems...
Warning Panel - PVC
Warning Panel - PVC
Warning signage for danger...
Compliance - Smoke Extraction
Compliance - Smoke Extraction
Smoke extraction compliance...
Prohibition Panel - PVC
Prohibition Panel - PVC
Prohibition signage...
Sale - Fire AlarmNext
Sale - Fire Alarm
Sale and installation of type 4 fire alarms...
Verification - Fire Alarm
Verification - Fire Alarm
Fire alarm verification type 4...
Extinguisher - 6LA3F
Extinguisher - 6LA3F
Sale and installation of 6L water + A3F fire extinguisher with permanent pressure...
Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection - Fire Extinguisher
Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection - Fire Extinguisher
Annual inspection of fire extinguishers of all types and brands...
Verification - Dry ColumnNext
Verification - Dry Column
Dry column verification with water filling...
Mandatory Panel - PVCNext
Mandatory Panel - PVC
Signage obligation...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Payment terms

COD - Cash on Delivery

Location and contact

Address7 route de Coton, FR-77510 LA TRETOIRE

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