

Schreckenbachweg 8, Jena 07743
Founded: 1995
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About us

24 Product and services

Active Wide-Range Vacuum Sensor ATMION®
Active Wide-Range Vacuum Sensor ATMION®
With the ATMION® wide-range vacuum gauge (a thermal conductivity vacuum gauge according to Pirani and a Bayard-Alpert ionization vacuum gauge), we can...
Vacuum Components
Vacuum Components
Do you need special parts for your vacuum system? Are you looking for components that are suitable for vacuum applications? Ask us! Our technicians i...
Flange-mounted LED Recessed Lighting JEVAlux® FLL
Flange-mounted LED Recessed Lighting JEVAlux® FLL
With our new FLL recipient lighting from the JEVAlux® product line, we bring modern and effective LED light into your vacuum chamber. JEVAlux® FLL-40...
Flange-mounted Recipient Lighting JEVAlux® FHL
Flange-mounted Recipient Lighting JEVAlux® FHL
With the innovative FHL recipient lighting from our JEVAlux® product line, we offer you an easily mountable halogen lighting solution for your vacuum ...
Controller for Vacuum Sensors JEVAmet® VCU
Controller for Vacuum Sensors JEVAmet® VCU
With the JEVAmet® VCU vacuum controller, we can offer you a versatile control and display device developed by JEVATEC GmbH, available in single, dual,...
Flange-mounted LED Recessed Lighting JEVAlux® FLL
Flange-mounted LED Recessed Lighting JEVAlux® FLL
With our new FLL recipient lighting from the JEVAlux® product line, we bring modern and effective LED light into your vacuum chamber. JEVAlux® FLL-25...
Active Wide-Range Vacuum Sensor ATMION®
Active Wide-Range Vacuum Sensor ATMION®
With the ATMION® wide-range vacuum gauge (a thermal conductivity vacuum gauge according to Pirani and a Bayard-Alpert ionization vacuum gauge), we can...
Active Wide-Range Vacuum Sensor ATMION®
Active Wide-Range Vacuum Sensor ATMION®
With the ATMION® wide-range vacuum gauge (a thermal conductivity vacuum gauge according to Pirani and a Bayard-Alpert ionization vacuum gauge), we can...
Engineering Services
Engineering Services
Years of experience of our engineers and technicians qualify us as a capable partner for your projects related to the medium of vacuum. Comprehensive...
Flowcontroller JEVAflow® FCU-4
Flowcontroller JEVAflow® FCU-4
JEVAflow® FCU-4 Control unit for up to four analog or digital MFCs Easily readable 4-digit LED display and status indicators for each channel Display...
Service for Vacuum Pumps
Service for Vacuum Pumps
Does the vacuum pump of your system need an oil change, maintenance, or is it possibly even defective? Then you are exactly right with us.
Research & Development
Research & Development
Everything revolves around nothing – the vacuum. Our experience is your advantage. Our insights help you stay ahead with our products and services. O...
Active Wide-Range Vacuum Sensor ATMION®
Active Wide-Range Vacuum Sensor ATMION®
With the ATMION® wide-range vacuum gauge (a thermal conductivity vacuum gauge according to Pirani and a Bayard-Alpert ionization vacuum gauge), we can...
Service for ATMION® wide-range vacuum sensors of all series
Service for ATMION® wide-range vacuum sensors of all series
Are you using an ATMION® wide-range vacuum gauge for pressure measurement and experiencing issues? Or are you looking for a replacement sensor? Contac...
Controller for Vacuum Sensors JEVAmet® VCU
Controller for Vacuum Sensors JEVAmet® VCU
With the JEVAmet® VCU vacuum controller, we offer you a versatile control and display device developed by JEVATEC GmbH, available in single, dual, or ...

Company images

Company buildingThe JEVATEC team.Assembly area for vacuum systemsService area for SMC valvesService area for leak detectionElectronics ManufacturingMeasurement Technology DevelopmentService area for vacuum pumps

Location and contact

AddressSchreckenbachweg 8, DE-07743 Jena

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