

International House, 36-38 cornhill, London EC3V 3NG
United Kingdom
Delivery: National
Founded: 1978
Employees: 20-49
Supplier type
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About us
Jayex specialise in patient flow solutions for GP waiting rooms such as self arrival check-in kiosks, digital signage, patient calling, patient surveys, patient communications (SMS & email) and information touch points. We provide our services all across the UK, including England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Visit our website to find out more about our solutions or contact us now to enquire.

2 Product and services

Jayex Connect Patient Calling
Jayex Connect Patient Calling
Modernise your waiting room experience by fostering a space which shows patients important information, they may otherwise overlook. Declutter your...
Jayex Connect Patient Check-In
Jayex Connect Patient Check-In
Keep patient check-in simple, speedy, and intuitive including all key demographics and data collection, and secure integration with EMIS. Jayex Patien...

Location and contact

AddressInternational House, 36-38 cornhill, GB-EC3V 3NG London

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