

716,Jaina Tower-1,District Center, New Delhi 110020
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106 Product and services

cashew nutNext
cashew nut
We supply cashew nuts from India All sizes W180 W240 W320 W450...
Frozen French Fries - Frozen French Fries,Frozen PotatoesNext
Frozen French Fries - Frozen French Fries,Frozen Potatoes
Frozen French Fries Size:9mmx9mm 12mmx12mm...
Cashew Nuts - Cashew NutsNext
Cashew Nuts - Cashew Nuts
We supply cashew nuts Highest quality Available in all sizes W240 W320...
Rice - Long Grain White Rice
Rice - Long Grain White Rice
We provide all types of rice Parboiled rice Steamed rice White rice Long grain rice Best Basmati rice Fragrant rice...
peanut - Bold peanut, Java peanut, Blanched peanutNext
peanut - Bold peanut, Java peanut, Blanched peanut
We supply peanuts: Bold Peanut Java Peanut Blanched Peanut...
Sunflower Oil
Sunflower Oil
We Supply Sunflower Oil...
Baby Corn - Baby CornNext
Baby Corn - Baby Corn
Tender corn in vinegar...
Safflower SeedsNext
Safflower Seeds
We provide safflower seeds.
Fresh Garlic - Fresh GarlicNext
Fresh Garlic - Fresh Garlic
We provide fresh garlic Size: 40mm to 55mm Packaging: 10 Kg box or 10, 20 Kg net bag...
Flaxseed - FlaxseedNext
Flaxseed - Flaxseed
We supply flaxseed Providing for both Human Consumption and Bird Feed...
Peanut - Bold Peanut, Java Peanut, Blanched PeanutNext
Peanut - Bold Peanut, Java Peanut, Blanched Peanut
We Supply Peanut: Bold Peanut Java Peanut Blanched Peanut...
Cashew Nut - Cashew NutNext
Cashew Nut - Cashew Nut
We provide Cashew Nuts Best quality All sizes available W240 W320...
Rice - Rice, white rice, fragrant rice
Rice - Rice, white rice, fragrant rice
We supply all types of rice Parboiled rice Steamed rice White rice Long grain rice The best basmati rice Fragrant rice...
Basmati Rice
Basmati Rice
We Supply Best Quality Basmati Rice With Best Texture and Aroma...
Sesame seeds - Natural white/black sesame seeds, hulled sesame seedsNext
Sesame seeds - Natural white/black sesame seeds, hulled sesame seeds
We supply sesame seeds of the highest quality White natural sesame seeds Black natural sesame seeds Shelled sesame seeds...

Location and contact

Address716,Jaina Tower-1,District Center, IN-110020 New Delhi

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