

Gewerbestraße 17, Lahnau 35633
Founded: 1991
Employees: 200-499
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About us
Manufacturing of industrial endoscopes, video endoscopes. Flexible endoscopes (fiber optic endoscopes / fibroscopes / fiberscopes / flexoscopes). Rigid endoscopes (boroscopes / borescopes) The IT Concepts Group develops and produces electronic and optomechanical assemblies and systems. The product range extends from components for industrial and medical endoscopes to video endoscope systems and solutions for professional visual inspection, as well as safety technology.

6 Product and services

iTool DVR Modular Video Endoscope System
iTool DVR Modular Video Endoscope System
iTool DVR Modular Video Endoscope System extremely flexible and expandable diameter 3 - 8mm working lengths 1.5 - 15m...
iFlex Flexible Fiber Optic Endoscope
iFlex Flexible Fiber Optic Endoscope
High resolution, flexible, controllable Robust in use Optical image conductor made of highly flexible fibers Focusing eyepiece Direct view / side view...
iTool DVR Video Endoscope System with Working ChannelNext
iTool DVR Video Endoscope System with Working Channel
iTool DVR Video Endoscope System with Work Documentation Unit with 7" Screen | 8mm Probe with Working Channel and Various Tools | 4-fold Angles | Work...
XLED Video Endoscope SystemNext
XLED Video Endoscope System
XLED Modular Video Endoscope System. Separate 5" display including documentation unit | focusable interchangeable probes | top image quality | probe d...
iRis DVR X Video Endoscope SystemNext
iRis DVR X Video Endoscope System
Compact Video Endoscope System Extremely economical Large display Detailed images LED lighting Quick and easy to use Up to 6 hours battery life Portab...
iRis DVR 5 Video Endoscope SystemNext
iRis DVR 5 Video Endoscope System
The iRis DVR 5 is a compact video endoscope system. 5" display Swiveling monitor Focusing interchangeable lenses Top image quality 4 - 8mm probe diame...

Location and contact

AddressGewerbestraße 17, DE-35633 Lahnau
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