

Großer Sand 4, Ubstadt-Weiher 76698
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2000
Employees: 50-99
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31 Product and services

PTFE-insulated heating tape MiL-HT-PSG Series up to 260°C
PTFE-insulated heating tape MiL-HT-PSG Series up to 260°C
Ready-made heating tape with glass-insulated, flexible fabric and internally insulated PTFE heating conductors with grounded protective conductor brai...
Capillary Tube Thermostat MiL-CST/L SeriesNext
Capillary Tube Thermostat MiL-CST/L Series
The particularly robust electromechanical surface thermostat can be used wherever simple maintenance of product temperatures is required. A clear cove...
Insulation Sleeve MiL-IJ Series up to 450°CNext
Insulation Sleeve MiL-IJ Series up to 450°C
Insulation sleeve with thermal insulation, handcrafted and custom-designed for all geometric shapes with surface temperatures up to 450°C. We also sup...
Insulation Sleeve MiL-IJ Series up to 900°CNext
Insulation Sleeve MiL-IJ Series up to 900°C
Insulation sleeve with thermal insulation, handcrafted and custom-made for all geometric shapes with surface temperatures up to 900°C. We also supply ...
Glass fiber insulated heating cable Series MiL-HC-GS up to 450°C
Glass fiber insulated heating cable Series MiL-HC-GS up to 450°C
Ready-made and flexible glass silk-insulated heating cable with copper-nickel plated outer braid as a protective conductor for surface temperatures up...
Glass fiber insulated heating sleeves Series MiL-HJ up to 450°CNext
Glass fiber insulated heating sleeves Series MiL-HJ up to 450°C
Ready-to-install heating jackets with thermal insulation, handcrafted, are custom-designed for all geometric shapes and manufactured for surface tempe...
Mineral-Insulated Heating Cable Series MiL-HC-INCNext
Mineral-Insulated Heating Cable Series MiL-HC-INC
Ready-made, mineral-insulated heating cable with a metal sheath made of Inconel 2.4816. High-performance heating cable for transferring large amounts ...
Radiant Heaters for Vacuum Technology MiL-HV Series up to 1000°CNext
Radiant Heaters for Vacuum Technology MiL-HV Series up to 1000°C
We manufacture radiation heaters for vacuum technology upon customer request. You can rely on our years of experience in the field of radiation heater...
Electronic Controller MIL-RD SeriesNext
Electronic Controller MIL-RD Series
Electronic microprocessor-controlled temperature regulator for demanding applications in the heating of machines, systems, and processes. The user can...
Glass fiber insulated heating cable Series MiL-HC-G up to 450°C
Glass fiber insulated heating cable Series MiL-HC-G up to 450°C
Ready-made and highly flexible heating cable with glass-insulated, flexible fabric for surface temperatures up to 450°. It can only be used in dry roo...
Glass fiber insulated heating jackets for flanges Series MiL-HJ-CF/B up to 350°CNext
Glass fiber insulated heating jackets for flanges Series MiL-HJ-CF/B up to 350°C
Ready-to-connect heating jacket with insulation, designed for all common flange sizes, handcrafted and made for surface temperatures up to 450°C. Feat...
Electronic Controller MIL-EC 500 SeriesNext
Electronic Controller MIL-EC 500 Series
The completely newly developed temperature controllers of the MIL-EC 500 series successfully combine an extremely durable switching element in hybrid ...
Standard Heating Hose MiL-SHS SeriesNext
Standard Heating Hose MiL-SHS Series
If a line is not to be installed rigidly, these flexible heated hose lines are suitable for transporting liquid materials such as oil, fat, wax, glue,...
Glass fiber insulated heating mats MiL-HPG series up to 450°C
Glass fiber insulated heating mats MiL-HPG series up to 450°C
Ready-to-connect heating mats, handcrafted, are characterized by very uniform heat distribution. Flexible heating consists of a PTFE or glass-insulate...
Analysis Heating Hose MiL-AHS SeriesNext
Analysis Heating Hose MiL-AHS Series
These flexible heated sampling lines are used when a specific temperature needs to be maintained in connection with measuring, for example, engine exh...

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Location and contact

AddressGroßer Sand 4, DE-76698 Ubstadt-Weiher

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