

Parque Industrial do Camporês, Centro negócios ansião, gab.5, Ansião 3240-465
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2018
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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About us
Intuos is a recent company specializing in the export of Portuguese agri-food products. Olive oil, wine, and canned goods are our main products. However, we have the capacity to supply all types of quality food products originating from Portugal, in all kinds of packaging.

7 Product and services

Olive Oil - Extra Virgin
Olive Oil - Extra Virgin
Olive oil of Portuguese origin, 100% natural, superior quality. Cold extracted through mechanical processes.
Olive Oil - Extra Virgin
Olive Oil - Extra Virgin
Olive oil of Portuguese origin, 100% natural, superior quality. Cold extracted through mechanical processes.
WINE - Red
WINE - Red
Award-winning wine from a small sub-region.
WINE - White
WINE - White
Wine from a small sub-region.
Organic Wine - Red
Organic Wine - Red
Produced with organic grapes and aged in oak barrels.
Vinho Verde - White
Vinho Verde - White
Exclusively produced in Portugal in the Minho region.
COD - Frozen or Dried
COD - Frozen or Dried
Salted dry cod, whole or in fillets. Frozen and soaked cod.

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
Credit card

Payment terms

C/D (or CAD) - Cash against Documents also D/P - Documents against Payment
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

AddressParque Industrial do Camporês, Centro negócios ansião, gab.5, PT-3240-465 Ansião
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