

Z.I. de Kerannou - BP34, Saint-Pol-De-Léon 29250
Founded: 1995
Employees: 20-49
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10 Product and services

BM 8360 Curve - Belt Conveyor
BM 8360 Curve - Belt Conveyor
The Belt Curve Light module is a curved accumulation belt conveyor that operates without pressure across multiple zones, powered by a 24 V RollerDrive...
Band Curve - Interroll Portec Band Curve
Band Curve - Interroll Portec Band Curve
With a conveyor speed exceeding 2 m/s, the design of the Interroll Portec Belt Curve offers high performance and optimal operation for a wide range of...
Handling Roller - Gravity Handling Roller 1100
Handling Roller - Gravity Handling Roller 1100
Low rolling resistance roller for non-driven or gravity applications. Low inertia due to the total weight of the roller. Excellent start-up response.
Dynamic Pallet Storage System - FIFO Dynamic Pallet Storage System
Dynamic Pallet Storage System - FIFO Dynamic Pallet Storage System
In FIFO (first in - first out) configuration, pallets are loaded into the gravity lanes from the highest side. The slope of the lane allows the pallet...
Roller Conveyor - Straight Roller Conveyor without Drive
Roller Conveyor - Straight Roller Conveyor without Drive
RM 8110 Straight Conveyor The straight, non-driven roller conveyor transports products manually or by gravity on downward slopes and is used on assem...
High-Speed Ejection Module - RM 8711 Interroll High-Speed Ejection Module (HPD) 24 V Master
High-Speed Ejection Module - RM 8711 Interroll High-Speed Ejection Module (HPD) 24 V Master
The high-speed ejection module (HPD) is designed for ejecting goods, preferably with a smooth bottom, at various angles (variable to the degree) to th...
Straight Section Belt Conveyor - BM 8350 Straight Section
Straight Section Belt Conveyor - BM 8350 Straight Section
The Light belt conveyor is a pressure-free accumulation belt conveyor distributed over multiple zones, driven by a 24 V RollerDrive. It has the advant...
Magnetic Speed Controller MSC 50
Magnetic Speed Controller MSC 50
The Magnetic Speed Controller (MSC) 50 is a purely mechanical speed regulator that ensures a slow and controlled speed on downhill tracks supporting l...
Conical Positive Drive Handling Roller
Conical Positive Drive Handling Roller
Positive drive conical handling roller Series 3500KXO light - Handling roller for curves with or without drive. Integrated groove for O-ring for rolle...
Carton Flow - Order Preparation with Carton Flow
Carton Flow - Order Preparation with Carton Flow
Thanks to its displays, the ergonomics of Interroll's Carton Wheel Flow frames enhance efficiency during order preparation and ensure a quick return o...

Location and contact

AddressZ.I. de Kerannou - BP34, FR-29250 Saint-Pol-De-Léon
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