Thurgauerstrasse 72, Zürich 8050
Founded: 1975
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About us
In close collaboration with our manufacturers, we offer customized film solutions that go far beyond the standard range.

6 Product and services

PE Films
PE Films
Foil production according to customer specifications: printed, punched, finished...
AGRAR Films - Nets - Yarns
AGRAR Films - Nets - Yarns
Bale wrapping films, round bale nets, square bale twines, small bale twines, silage films, protective nets, silo bags, big bags, wrapping films, cover...
Construction Films - Insulate | Protect | Pack | Secure | Cover | Make Slip-Resistant
Construction Films - Insulate | Protect | Pack | Secure | Cover | Make Slip-Resistant
Insulate I Protect I Pack I Secure I Cover I Make Non-Slip...
Plastic Films for Construction Needs
Plastic Films for Construction Needs
Isolate | Protect | Pack | Secure | Cover | Make Non-Slip In our extensive calendering facility, we primarily produce PVC films as semi-finished prod...
PIIPPO Harvest Nets
PIIPPO Harvest Nets
A core competency of PIIPPO is the production of harvest yarns in outstanding quality, and this has been the case for four decades. We are familiar w...
PVC Pond Liners
PVC Pond Liners
We deliver a dense, indestructible, and custom-made film of excellent quality. Which homeowner doesn't dream of a cozy pond landscape or a biotope in...

Location and contact

AddressThurgauerstrasse 72, CH-8050 Zürich
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