

4. Sanayi Sitesi 129/10 Sok. No:7, Izmir 35009
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1980
Employees: 20-49
Supplier type
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About us
Sec Kama was established in 1980 in Izmir. The factory is built on an area of 1500 sqm in the industrial zone to provide services with the best quality at competitive prices within the best possible time frames. Our company is an important subcontractor. Our main manufacturing sectors are cotters and machining. Standard cotters comply with ISO and DIN standards. We produce cotters in the desired dimensions for customers.

2 Product and services

Standard Kama
Standard Kama
Standard production wedge.
Custom-made Wedge - Wedge
Custom-made Wedge - Wedge
We offer custom production of wedges in your desired dimensions.

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer
Bill of exchange
Bill of exchange
Credit card

Payment terms

C/D (or CAD) - Cash against Documents also D/P - Documents against Payment
COD - Cash on Delivery
D/C - Documentary Collection
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

Address4. Sanayi Sitesi 129/10 Sok. No:7, TR-35009 Izmir

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