

C/ del Marquès de Comillas, nº1, Terrassa 08225
Delivery: National
Founded: 1986
Employees: 50-99
Supplier type
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About us

3 Product and services

Tickelia - Solution for managing expense reports and business travel
Tickelia - Solution for managing expense reports and business travel
Tickelia is a cloud solution that fully manages your company's workflow, including approval, expense policy control, advance management, payment, and ...
Nubhora - Solutions focused on time management, productivity, and security
Nubhora - Solutions focused on time management, productivity, and security
Nubhora is the comprehensive and collaborative solution for time and access management for medium and large enterprises. This solution features an adv...
Marino ERP - Technological solutions for absolute control of businesses
Marino ERP - Technological solutions for absolute control of businesses
Marino ERP is a business management tool that provides a unique environment to address any type of business need immediately by integrating all manage...

Location and contact

AddressC/ del Marquès de Comillas, nº1, ES-08225 Terrassa

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