

Maschweg 70, Melle 49324
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Founded: 1984
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32 Product and services

QUANTUM 360 - Terahertz Measurement System - The QUANTUM 360 is a wall thickness and diameter measuring device for pipes.Next
QUANTUM 360 - Terahertz Measurement System - The QUANTUM 360 is a wall thickness and diameter measuring device for pipes.
The QUANTUM 360 features a terahertz sensor that reverses along the pipe to be measured. The coverage corresponds to a full 360° around the entire cir...
SAVEOMAT Liquid - Gravimetric Dosing Station - SAVEOMAT Liquid is a dosing station for solid and liquid components.Next
SAVEOMAT Liquid - Gravimetric Dosing Station - SAVEOMAT Liquid is a dosing station for solid and liquid components.
SAVEOMAT Liquid is the multi-component dosing station for precise formulation dosing of solid and liquid components. The use of silane and peroxide is...
WARP 8 - Radar measuring system - WARP 8 is a pipe measuring system for wall thickness and diameter measurement.Next
WARP 8 - Radar measuring system - WARP 8 is a pipe measuring system for wall thickness and diameter measurement.
The WARP 8 is an inline pipe measuring system for wall thickness and diameter measurement at 8 points or 4 axes. It provides all important measurement...
WARP CP - Radar measuring for corrugated pipes - The WARP CP is a measuring system for detecting corrugated pipes.Next
WARP CP - Radar measuring for corrugated pipes - The WARP CP is a measuring system for detecting corrugated pipes.
The WARP CP is an inline measuring system with radar-based wall thickness sensors for detecting the various structures of a corrugated pipe. Outer and...
WARP 8 - Radar Measurement System - The WARP 8 is an inline pipe measurement system for wall thickness and diameter measurement.Next
WARP 8 - Radar Measurement System - The WARP 8 is an inline pipe measurement system for wall thickness and diameter measurement.
The WARP 8 is an inline pipe measurement system for wall thickness and diameter measurement at 8 points, or 4 axes. It provides all the essential meas...
WARP CP - Radar Measurement System for Corrugated Pipes - The WARP CP is a measurement system for capturing the structures of a corrugated pipe.Next
WARP CP - Radar Measurement System for Corrugated Pipes - The WARP CP is a measurement system for capturing the structures of a corrugated pipe.
The WARP CP is an inline measurement system with radar-based wall thickness sensors designed to capture the various structures of a casing pipe. It ca...
iDM 4.0 - Data Management - iDM 4.0 is a data storage solution for collecting all process and quality data.Next
iDM 4.0 - Data Management - iDM 4.0 is a data storage solution for collecting all process and quality data.
The iNOEX Data Manager (iDM) includes a central data repository for collecting all process and quality data from the iNOEX systems in the extrusion li...
AUREX XXL - Ultrasonic measuring system - AUREX XXL is the solution for large pipes with a diameter of up to 3000 mmNext
AUREX XXL - Ultrasonic measuring system - AUREX XXL is the solution for large pipes with a diameter of up to 3000 mm
The AUREX XXL is the solution for large pipes with a diameter of up to 3000 mm. The system works with 8 water-coupled ultrasonic sensors that can be p...
SAVEOMAT G - Gravimetric Dosing System - SAVEOMAT G is a single funnel scale designed for granulates.Next
SAVEOMAT G - Gravimetric Dosing System - SAVEOMAT G is a single funnel scale designed for granulates.
SAVEOMAT G is the basic version of the SAVEOMAT series. The single hopper scale is suitable for granules. Depending on the control loop, it uses the m...
WARP 100 - Radar Measurement System - The WARP 100 is an inline pipe measurement system for wall thickness and diameter measurement.Next
WARP 100 - Radar Measurement System - The WARP 100 is an inline pipe measurement system for wall thickness and diameter measurement.
The WARP 100 is an inline pipe measurement system for wall thickness and diameter measurement at up to 38 measurement points and 19 axes. More than 11...
SAVEOMAT G - Gravimetric dosing system - SAVEOMAT G is a mono hopper weigher suitable for granules.Next
SAVEOMAT G - Gravimetric dosing system - SAVEOMAT G is a mono hopper weigher suitable for granules.
SAVEOMAT G is the basic version of the SAVEOMAT series. The Mono weighing hopper are suitable for granules and are available in different heights. Dep...
SAVEOMAT Liquid - Gravimetric dosing station - SAVEOMAT Liquid is a dosing station for solid and liquid components.Next
SAVEOMAT Liquid - Gravimetric dosing station - SAVEOMAT Liquid is a dosing station for solid and liquid components.
SAVEOMAT Liquid is the multi-component dosing station for the recipe-precise dosing of solid and liquid components. The use of silane and peroxide is ...
AUREX MK - Ultrasonic measuring system - The AUREX MK is an ultrasonic system for pipe dimensions from 0.5 - 400 mm.Next
AUREX MK - Ultrasonic measuring system - The AUREX MK is an ultrasonic system for pipe dimensions from 0.5 - 400 mm.
The AUREX MK is the complete solution for pipe dimensions from 0.5 - 400 mm. It enables compliance with the specified tolerances for wall thickness, e...
SAVEOMAT P - Gravimetric dosing system - SAVEOMAT P is a funnel weigher for the blockage-free feeding of powder.Next
SAVEOMAT P - Gravimetric dosing system - SAVEOMAT P is a funnel weigher for the blockage-free feeding of powder.
SAVEOMAT P is a funnel weigher specialized for the blockage-free feeding of powder with a maximum chalk content of up to 20%. Thanks to the optimal ho...
SAVEOMAT HF - Gravimetric dosing system - SAVEOMAT HF is the dosing unit for materials with a chalk content of up to 100%Next
SAVEOMAT HF - Gravimetric dosing system - SAVEOMAT HF is the dosing unit for materials with a chalk content of up to 100%
SAVEOMAT HF is the dosing unit for materials with a chalk content of up to 100%. A consistent material flow is ensured at all times. Depending on the ...

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AddressMaschweg 70, DE-49324 Melle

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