

An der Salza 8a, Nordhausen 99734
Delivery: National
Founded: 1995
Employees: 20-49
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About us
We are an independent engineering and technology service provider - and your project partner! Development, testing, and approval of products as well as manufacturing of electronic assemblies and systems.

9 Product and services

Electronic Controls and Control Systems
Electronic Controls and Control Systems
For most technical devices and systems across all sectors of the economy, electronic controls are necessary and indispensable.
Telecommunications Technology
Telecommunications Technology
Benefit from our specialization in niche products in telecommunication, which you can almost exclusively find with us today! Our platform products in...
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering
Our system design includes requirements for detailed development, interface definition, and safety design. The growing complexity of technical system...
FMN alpha® open air®
FMN alpha® open air®
The alpha® open air® is a robust wall phone designed for outdoor use. Its impact-resistant and weatherproof construction allows for deployment in semi...
SmartFusion®2 embedded board
SmartFusion®2 embedded board
M2S025T SmartFusion®2 System-on-Chip FPGA This SmartFusion®2 Evaluation Board has been designed to enable users to quickly test their applications an...
EMV Testing
EMV Testing
We test electrical and electronic devices and systems for their properties regarding Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).
FMN B 122 plus
FMN B 122 plus
The B 122 plus is a proven, analog wall phone for professional use. Wherever there is no space for a telephone table, a wall-mounted phone is the solu...
PolarFire™ Everest DEV Board
PolarFire™ Everest DEV Board
PolarFire™ Everest-DEV-Board MPF300TS PolarFire™ FPGA This PolarFire™ Everest-DEV-Board was developed in collaboration with Arrow to enable users to ...
Fertilization Optimization
Fertilization Optimization
In parallel with prototype production, we are advancing series maturity, technology development, and cost optimization. Our development and manufactu...

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Location and contact

AddressAn der Salza 8a, DE-99734 Nordhausen

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