

Marielundvej 32, Herlev-Copenhagen 2730
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 20-49
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10 Product and services

iGRAIN Relay Output Unit for aeration control - For automatic control of main fans and roof exhaust fans
iGRAIN Relay Output Unit for aeration control - For automatic control of main fans and roof exhaust fans
The iGRAIN Relay Output Unit is a control module designed for automatic control of aeration and head space ventilation fans. The unit is controlle...
Bin Auditor Radar for grain silos - Efficient grain inventory management
Bin Auditor Radar for grain silos - Efficient grain inventory management
The iGRAIN Bin Auditor radar inventory management system consists of the iGRAIN Bin Auditor Radar level measurement unit(s) and the iGRAIN Inventory M...
Grain chiller - CROP-PROTECTOR chiller for preservation of stored crops and grains
Grain chiller - CROP-PROTECTOR chiller for preservation of stored crops and grains
The CROP-PROTECTOR Chiller offers a unique way to preserve stored grain, and a unique feedback sensor lance enables energy savings and improved chilli...
AIO Floor Sensor - All-In-One floor Sensor for monitoring grain in flat storage facilities
AIO Floor Sensor - All-In-One floor Sensor for monitoring grain in flat storage facilities
Monitoring grain in flat storage facilities has many challenges, but with the iGRAIN AIO Floor Sensor you are well equipped: The AIO Floor Sensor ...
Sensor cables for grain silo monitoring - Sensor cables for silo monitoring - temperature, moisture, CO2 etc.
Sensor cables for grain silo monitoring - Sensor cables for silo monitoring - temperature, moisture, CO2 etc.
We supply a wide assortment of sensor cables and systems to monitor grain and pulse in silos and flat bins. Applications: • Flour, feed, and oil m...
TOXI-SCRUB - TOXI-SCRUB processing line for detoxifying contaminated crop
TOXI-SCRUB - TOXI-SCRUB processing line for detoxifying contaminated crop
The TOXI-SCRUB processing line detoxifies contaminated crops. It generates value in terms of safe feed and food, human and animal health and economic ...
Plenum Pressure Sensor - For aeration monitoring and air flow calculation in grain silos
Plenum Pressure Sensor - For aeration monitoring and air flow calculation in grain silos
The iGRAIN Plenum Pressure Sensor confirms that the aeration control takes place at the right time. Situated in the silo plenum space or in the transi...
Nitrogen Generator - CROP-PROTECTOR Nitrogen Generator  – Pesticide Free Organic Fumigation
Nitrogen Generator - CROP-PROTECTOR Nitrogen Generator – Pesticide Free Organic Fumigation
The CROP-PROTECTOR Nitrogen Generator is used for efficient infestation control. By flushing the stored crop with Nitrogen and reducing Oxygen levels,...
All-In-One Sensor Cable - AIO and AIO+ Sensor Cables – grain monitoring sensors
All-In-One Sensor Cable - AIO and AIO+ Sensor Cables – grain monitoring sensors
The iGRAIN AIO and AIO+ Sensor Cables combine several different digital sensor technologies into one advanced sensor cable. The AIO Sensor Cable may b...
Phosphine safe sensor cables for grain silos - iGRAIN Monitoring Sensor cables now protected against Phosphine fumigation!
Phosphine safe sensor cables for grain silos - iGRAIN Monitoring Sensor cables now protected against Phosphine fumigation!
The iGRAIN CO2 Sniffer Cable detects any infestation activity like insects, fungi, mites etc immediately when the activity starts. The increased us...

Location and contact

AddressMarielundvej 32, DK-2730 Herlev-Copenhagen

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