

Bischof-von-Lipp-Strasse 1, Eschach 73569
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11 Product and services

Hand Tools and Cutting Devices
Hand Tools and Cutting Devices
Cutting devices for DIN rail and collection rails, with length stop of 1000 mm The DIN-RC cutter cuts various DIN rails with minimal effort and preci...
EMC Shielding Clamps
EMC Shielding Clamps
EMC shield clamps, individually for direct mounting over rivets...
Hygienic Design Cable Entry Systems
Hygienic Design Cable Entry Systems
The new KEL-DPU-HD cable entry plates have been specifically designed for installation in food processing and packaging machines.
Split Cable Gland for Cables with Plug up to IP68
Split Cable Gland for Cables with Plug up to IP68
KVT-ER split cable gland for cables with connectors, M25 - M63 / IP66 / IP68 / UL Type 12/4X*...
Cable glands for unpluggable cables up to IP68
Cable glands for unpluggable cables up to IP68
With a cable entry from icotek, multiple electrical lines can be introduced into control cabinets quickly, easily, and above all, space-saving without...
Divisible EMC Cable Entry Systems
Divisible EMC Cable Entry Systems
EMC-KEL-DS | Split EMC cable entry frames for shielding cables with connectors / IP55...
KT Cable Grommets, gray for cable diameters 1 - 35 mm / IP66 / IP68 / UL Type 12/4X*
KT Cable Grommets, gray for cable diameters 1 - 35 mm / IP66 / IP68 / UL Type 12/4X*
When installing the small sleeves in multiple rows, the flat sides should face each other.
Divisible Brush Entry
Divisible Brush Entry
Split brush plates KEL-BES-S for laying cables in server racks, control cabinets, and enclosures. KEL-BES-S is also an ideal solution for the entry a...
CONFiX™ Well Hoses and Hose Passages
CONFiX™ Well Hoses and Hose Passages
CONFiX™ FWS Cable Protection Tube Screw Connections suitable for pipe connections or direct hose attachment / IP54 The 90° angled pipe connection CON...
IMAS-CONNECT Adapter Sleeves for Connectors, Keystone, PushPull
IMAS-CONNECT Adapter Sleeves for Connectors, Keystone, PushPull
AT-M | AT-K-M | AT-K-Z adapter sleeves with internal thread M5 - M25 & 1/4" - 1/8" / IP65/IP66...
Split cable entry systems for cables with plugs up to IP66
Split cable entry systems for cables with plugs up to IP66
The KEL cable entries are consistently separable; they consist of a separable frame and slotted cable grommets.

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Location and contact

AddressBischof-von-Lipp-Strasse 1, DE-73569 Eschach

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