Oblfing 33A, Schöllnach 94508
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A comprehensive range for homeowners and gardeners, as well as farmers and foresters. Buy products from the fields of wood, tools, and gardening technology with free shipping starting from 50.00 Euros!

3 Product and services

Siebau Gardenboxx 311
Siebau Gardenboxx 311
External dimensions approx.: 2985 x 2350 x 2196 mm (WxDxH). Delivered as a kit. Roof and wall elements are made of galvanized trapezoidal profiles 0.7...
Grosfillex Garden House
Grosfillex Garden House
Grosfillex meets all requirements and offers a comprehensive and versatile range of maintenance-free plastic garden sheds. Grosfillex Plastic Garden ...
Hörmann Berry Metal Storage Sheds
Hörmann Berry Metal Storage Sheds
Hörmann Berry Metal Garden Sheds. 3 sizes (Type 1-3), 2 designs (Classic or Modern), Easy assembly! Includes aluminum base frame! The Berry shed with...

Location and contact

AddressOblfing 33A, DE-94508 Schöllnach
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