

1300 RTE DE L'AERODROME, Avignon 84140
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2016
Employees: 20-49
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18 Product and services

Golden flaxseed meal
Golden flaxseed meal
De-oiled golden flaxseed meal.
Coriander Seeds
Coriander Seeds
Coriander seeds available in several varieties. Also available in organic.
Blackcurrant Seed
Blackcurrant Seed
Pink/purple seeds for unique inclusions and toppings...
Strawberry Aroma
Strawberry Aroma
Strawberry essence derived 100% from the fruit (FTNF)...
Organic Cocoa Shells
Organic Cocoa Shells
Used in infusion in water, milk, or a plant-based drink to achieve a subtle cocoa flavor, without fat.
Nougat Powder
Nougat Powder
A nougat powder to add a distinctive flavor to your preparations.
Coffee husk
Coffee husk
Cascara is the fruit of the coffee plant; once dried, it is used in infusions for hot or cold beverages. With a subtle flavor, cascara contains caffei...
Exhausted Vanilla Powder
Exhausted Vanilla Powder
Vanilla infused and then ground to the desired granularity. Available in organic, sourced from French manufacturers.
Organic Apple Fiber
Organic Apple Fiber
Apple fiber produced from organic apple pomace, sourced from France. Multiple particle size levels available.
Toasted Peanut Flour
Toasted Peanut Flour
Toasted de-oiled peanut flour...
Chickpea Flour
Chickpea Flour
Available in conventional or organic.
Organic Coconut Flour
Organic Coconut Flour
A nutritious organic flour, lower in fat than grated coconut.
Blueberry Extract
Blueberry Extract
A concentrated blueberry product with an authentic taste, whose color is slightly lighter than market standards.
Natural Madagascar Vanilla Flavor
Natural Madagascar Vanilla Flavor
Natural vanilla flavor from Madagascar, available in various concentrations from 0.4% to 5% vanillin on different carriers such as PEG, glycerin, and ...
Shredded Coconut (low fat)
Shredded Coconut (low fat)
A less sweet and less fatty shredded coconut than a standard shredded coconut.

Location and contact

Address1300 RTE DE L'AERODROME, FR-84140 Avignon

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