Gehlbergen 3, Bruchhausen-Vilsen 27305
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Distribution of wire seals and accessories, pull-through seals, fixed-length seals, hand closure seals, high-security seals, steel cable seals, plug seals, pull-through seals, plug seals.

10 Product and services

Camera seal tamper-proof and removable
Camera seal tamper-proof and removable
Special seal to secure mobile phone cameras, can be removed without leaving residue, but any tampering indication can be immediately recognized on the...
Crimping Pliers
Crimping Pliers
Seal pliers in various sizes for attaching lead and lead substitute seals with diameters of d=9 to d=14 mm. Seal pliers for crimping aluminum, plasti...
Lead Seal
Lead Seal
The 3-hole lead seal is a universal closure used with sealing wire or sealing cord and can only be applied with a sealing pliers. Available immediatel...
Punching Pliers / Control Pliers
Punching Pliers / Control Pliers
Hole punch / control punch with different hole sizes, nickel-plated. Hole punch with 3 mm round hole for marking inspection stickers, invalidating ti...
Cable Ties / Quick Ties
Cable Ties / Quick Ties
Cable ties and zip ties in various lengths and colors Material: Polyamide 6.6 (PA 6.6) Color: black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, transparent Tot...
High-security seal / Security seal / Container seal
High-security seal / Security seal / Container seal
High-security seal / Security seal / Container seal with barcode. See also click seal. Available in various colors. Ready for immediate delivery. Sea...
Pull Seal / Security Seal / Plastic Seal
Pull Seal / Security Seal / Plastic Seal
Special Price! Security Seals / Pull-Tight Seals / Special Stock Pull-Tight Seal XSeal 200mm, available in various lengths. Ready for immediate delive...
Safety Adhesive Tapes
Safety Adhesive Tapes
Security tape, tamper-proof, protects packages, document folders, valuables, and similar items from unauthorized access. Available for immediate deliv...
Metal Band Seal
Metal Band Seal
The metal band seal MBP-T is a fixed-length seal measuring 210 mm in length and 10 mm in width. It is closed manually, and a cutting tool is required ...
Forkseal High-Security Seal
Forkseal High-Security Seal
Barrier seal for container locks, consisting of a 2-part bolt seal and a steel clamp. Marking of the seal parts identical according to IS 17712:2013 (...

Location and contact

AddressGehlbergen 3, DE-27305 Bruchhausen-Vilsen
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