

Kirchstrasse 23, Bräunlingen 78199
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1986
Employees: 20-49
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10 Product and services

Decorative Heart GARDOX, Rust Look
Decorative Heart GARDOX, Rust Look
Old love doesn’t rust? Our decorative heart GARDOX in rust look proves otherwise: With its stylish rusted surface, this metal heart has already found...
Base plate (heat bank) made of 5 mm steel sheet
Base plate (heat bank) made of 5 mm steel sheet
The suitable base plate for your heat bench: Made of black steel sheet, whether as a design element or for storing firewood or similar. Size 1040 x 42...
Stainless Steel Firewood Rack
Stainless Steel Firewood Rack
With the stainless steel firewood rack, you bring shine into your home.
Fire Pit Topper "Ornament" made of Raw Steel
Fire Pit Topper "Ornament" made of Raw Steel
With a fire bowl attachment, you can skillfully showcase the fire – creating an unparalleled emotional ambiance. The loose attachment made of steel im...
Plant Pot | Tree No. 1
Plant Pot | Tree No. 1
Steel Planters Modern planters, designer raised beds, and room dividers made of powder-coated steel, effectively showcased. The perfect eye-catcher i...
Flame-Grilled Salmon Plank (Set of 2)
Flame-Grilled Salmon Plank (Set of 2)
So delicious tastes rustic...
Steel Fire Pits
Steel Fire Pits
robust fire bowl made of raw steel, with 3 sturdy legs, approximately 3 mm thick steel sheet, 60 / 80 / 100 cm diameter, with drainage hole for water ...
Steel Sheet Fire Column, Star Motif
Steel Sheet Fire Column, Star Motif
A bright star in the fire sky...
HiT Premium Briquettes Made in Germany
HiT Premium Briquettes Made in Germany
HiT Premium Briquettes - the ecological briquette Made in Germany > Wood type Spruce / Fir / Pine / Larch / Douglas Fir > Length approx. 30 cm / Diame...
HiT Premium Pellets
HiT Premium Pellets
Comforting warmth for your home For the production of our wood pellets, we use only chemically untreated shavings from sustainably sourced wood! All ...

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Location and contact

AddressKirchstrasse 23, DE-78199 Bräunlingen

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