Neusser Strasse 119-121, Jüchen 41363
Founded: 1993
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About us
Processor of high and low alloy steels, as well as special materials for the production of systems in apparatus and pipeline construction.

5 Product and services

Container and Apparatus Construction
Container and Apparatus Construction
Your specialist for customized solutions Comprehensive support, from planning, construction with calculations, manufacturing, inspections, technical ...
Special and Construction Parts
Special and Construction Parts
Even for custom orders, all information is available promptly and in detail. Hintzen GmbH operates with computer-based networks that encompass all de...
Pipeline and Plant Construction
Pipeline and Plant Construction
Delivery to all locations worldwide. We are committed to providing our customers with top-notch service and leveraging the knowledge we have gained f...
Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger
High-Quality Heat Transfer In the field of heat transfer using stainless steel, steel, and special material heat exchangers, steam generators, as wel...
peter hintzen®
peter hintzen®
peter hintzen – Stainless Steel in Its Most Beautiful Form For those looking to stylishly enhance their home, stainless steel is the trendy material ...

Location and contact

AddressNeusser Strasse 119-121, DE-41363 Jüchen
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