

Zum Obsthof 13, Pforzheim 75177
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9 Product and services

Burner Control Type EF
Burner Control Type EF
Precise regulation of gas and air quantities through mass flow measurement Distance DistanceList Permanent process monitoring in accordance with DIN/...
Burner Series 24
Burner Series 24
Three-Row Universal Burner Distance Distance Enumeration For the pre-treatment of surfaces at high speeds and for medium to heavily structured molded ...
Burner Control Type EF 75
Burner Control Type EF 75
Precise regulation of gas and air quantities through mass flow measurement Distance DistanceEnumeration Permanent process monitoring in accordance wi...
Burner C Series
Burner C Series
Water-cooled burner in segment design for film applications Distance DistanceBullet Working widths from 500 - 10,000 mm Distance Bullet Optionally a...
Burner Series 226
Burner Series 226
Three-row high-performance burner Distance DistanceBullet For the pre-treatment of highly structured molded parts Distance Bullet Active range 40 - 25...
Burner Control Type WF
Burner Control Type WF
A mechanically closed control loop ensures a constant gas/air mixture across the entire control range.
Burner Series 62
Burner Series 62
Choosing the right burner is a crucial factor for pre-treatments. Burners differ in heat output and in the geometry of the flames produced.
Burner Control Type MF
Burner Control Type MF
A mechanically closed control loop ensures a constant gas/air mixture across the entire control range.
Burner Series 42
Burner Series 42
Single-row standard burner Distance Bullet points For pre-treatment of flat surfaces and lightly structured molded parts Distance Bullet points Active...

Location and contact

AddressZum Obsthof 13, DE-75177 Pforzheim

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