Neofit Rilski str., Sliven 8800
Employees: 20-49
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About us
Hemus Milk Commerce Ltd is a manufacturer of cheese (Bulgarian Kashkaval) and other dairy products from Bulgaria. We have been producing high-quality traditional Bulgarian dairy products since 1994. We have exported Bulgarian cheese all over the world (USA, Canada, Australia, etc.). We use sheep and cow's milk.

5 Product and services

Quark / curd cheese - Made of sheep's or cow's milk.
Quark / curd cheese - Made of sheep's or cow's milk.
Quark / curd cheese Made of sheep's or cow's milk, packaged in plastic bag.
Butter - Made of sheep's or cow's milk.
Butter - Made of sheep's or cow's milk.
Butter made of sheep's or cow's milk, packaged in vacuum bag.
Bulgarian Cheese (Kashkaval) - Made of sheep's milk.
Bulgarian Cheese (Kashkaval) - Made of sheep's milk.
Bulgarian Cheese (Kashkaval) 1 kg Made of sheep's milk, packaged in vacuum bag.
Bulgarian Cheese (Kashkaval) - Made of cow's milk.
Bulgarian Cheese (Kashkaval) - Made of cow's milk.
Bulgarian Cheese (Kashkaval) 1kg made of cow's milk, packaged in vacuum bag.
Bulgarian Cheese (Kashkaval) - Made of sheep's milk.
Bulgarian Cheese (Kashkaval) - Made of sheep's milk.
Bulgarian Cheese (Kashkaval) made of sheep's milk - 1kg.

Location and contact

AddressNeofit Rilski str., BG-8800 Sliven

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