Neugasteig 76, Neustift Im Stubaital 6167
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About us
Rental of tents, barrier technology, wooden cabins, pagodas, party tents, festival tents, beer tables, standing tables, covers for beer table sets, patio heaters, refrigerators, gas grills, heat guns.

6 Product and services

Folding Tents (Rental)
Folding Tents (Rental)
the quick solution for garden parties, birthday celebrations, promotional events, street festivals...
Party Tents (Rental)
Party Tents (Rental)
for birthday parties, corporate events, weddings, clubs...
Pagodas (Rental)
Pagodas (Rental)
Pavilions - for corporate events, VIP gatherings, city festivals...
Wooden Cabins (Rental)
Wooden Cabins (Rental)
Rental for All Occasions In addition to tents for every occasion, we also rent out our wooden huts. The wooden huts were first used at EURO 08 as sal...
Construction Fence
Construction Fence
Construction fences are a flexible barrier for securing construction sites, at events, with or without privacy screening.
Barrier Grid
Barrier Grid
Barrier fences are used to secure construction sites and temporarily block off traffic routes. Steel barrier fences are often used as demo fences or ...

Location and contact

AddressNeugasteig 76, AT-6167 Neustift Im Stubaital

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