

Heubergstraße 2, Sulz 72172
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Founded: 1919
Employees: 200-499
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21 Product and services

Clamping Lever - Clamping lever for manual adjustment in fixation tasks and clamping applicationsNext
Clamping Lever - Clamping lever for manual adjustment in fixation tasks and clamping applications
Clamping levers consist of a handle lever into which an insert with internal or external threads is integrated. Depending on the application, clamping...
Quick Release - Quick releases are used for holding and clamping workpieces.Next
Quick Release - Quick releases are used for holding and clamping workpieces.
Various stamped and bent parts are assembled into a functional unit. The clamping of the workpieces is carried out using the lever principle. The KIP...
5-Axis Modular System UNI lock - KIPP Clamping System for Complete Machining in a Single Setup
5-Axis Modular System UNI lock - KIPP Clamping System for Complete Machining in a Single Setup
UNI lock stands for a free-cutting machining area and high flexibility thanks to its modular clamping structures: The clamping columns feature interfa...
Locking Pin - Locking pins allow for quick adjustment of machine components.Next
Locking Pin - Locking pins allow for quick adjustment of machine components.
KIPP locking pins are used in swivel and rotary devices as well as for positioning stops. In addition to their ease of handling, the durability and qu...
Locking Pin - Locking Pin with Push Button for Locking
Locking Pin - Locking Pin with Push Button for Locking
KIPP locking pins are used in swivel and rotating devices as well as for positioning stops. In addition to their ease of handling, the durability and ...
Star grips - Star grips as holding or fastening elements for manual controls on machines
Star grips - Star grips as holding or fastening elements for manual controls on machines
A star knob with internal or external threads is typically used as a manual clamping element. With a through hole, the star knob can also be used as a...
Handwheels - Handwheels are used for positioning and adjusting shafts and spindles.
Handwheels - Handwheels are used for positioning and adjusting shafts and spindles.
The handwheel can be coupled to the shaft using a keyway connection or another type of clamping. The force is transmitted to the shaft through rotatio...
Centrical Clamp Jaw Width 80-125 mm - Mechanically operated centric clamp, automation-capable and flexible
Centrical Clamp Jaw Width 80-125 mm - Mechanically operated centric clamp, automation-capable and flexible
Mechanically operated centric clamping device. Automation-ready: Prepared with a gripping groove for handling systems. Flexible in mounting: Suitable ...
Magnets with internal thread and stainless steel housing - Flat gripper with thread, shielded system, stainless steel, hard ferrite magnetic core
Magnets with internal thread and stainless steel housing - Flat gripper with thread, shielded system, stainless steel, hard ferrite magnetic core
Magnets are flexible, easily removable, force-locking fastening elements. They are used, for example, in flaps as a locking mechanism to prevent accid...
Swivel Eye Bolt - Swivel eye bolts are used in many applications.Next
Swivel Eye Bolt - Swivel eye bolts are used in many applications.
Material: Steel. Design: Grade 8, ball bearing. Plastic coated, red. Note: Compact and lightweight construction, fully loadable from all sides. 4-fo...
5-Axis Clamp Compact - New Clamping Physics in 5-Axis Machining
5-Axis Clamp Compact - New Clamping Physics in 5-Axis Machining
The "KIPP 5-Axis Clamp Compact" features an entirely new clamping physics. By separating the force flow from the workpiece positioning, significantly ...
Rotary latch in hygienic design with T-handle - The rotary latch is usable on both sides and can be pre-assembled for installation.
Rotary latch in hygienic design with T-handle - The rotary latch is usable on both sides and can be pre-assembled for installation.
The hygiene stainless steel rotary latch prevents germ contamination and meets the strict requirements of the testing principles for food machinery an...
Lowering Tensioner - Lowering tensioners are used for tensioning and holding down in a single work step.
Lowering Tensioner - Lowering tensioners are used for tensioning and holding down in a single work step.
By tightening the ball pressure screw, the clamping jaw moves forward. This simultaneously secures the workpiece against the fixed stop and the suppor...
Cable Glands in Hygienic DESIGN - Cable Glands in Stainless Steel or Plastic in Hygienic DESIGN
Cable Glands in Hygienic DESIGN - Cable Glands in Stainless Steel or Plastic in Hygienic DESIGN
{"Execution":{"Cable Gland":"Stainless steel polished; transparent plastic.","Hose":"Blue."},"Note":{"Includes":"Washers.","Protection Class":"IP 66, ...
Raw magnets (disc magnets) made of NdFeB - Raw magnets (disc magnets) made of NdFeB N35 neodymium, unshielded
Raw magnets (disc magnets) made of NdFeB - Raw magnets (disc magnets) made of NdFeB N35 neodymium, unshielded
Magnets are flexible, easily removable, force-locking fastening elements. They are used, for example, in flaps as a locking mechanism to prevent accid...

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AddressHeubergstraße 2, DE-72172 Sulz

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