Almoshofer Hauptstrasse 46, Nürnberg 90427
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8 Product and services

Robust Chip Dryer
Robust Chip Dryer
This three-meter-high chip dryer offers a wide range of applications; for example, it can be used for the recovery of cooling lubricants. The chip co...
Shear for Sheet Coils
Shear for Sheet Coils
To cut parts from sheet rolls or sheet coils, a machine is required that allows the product to pass through. A measuring device determines when cutti...
Machine for the Food Industry
Machine for the Food Industry
Plants for processing fresh, chilled, or frozen food must meet special requirements. Hygiene and cleanliness are paramount in the food industry and a...
Testing device with the highest precision
Testing device with the highest precision
For continuous production monitoring and quality assurance, a customer in the series production sector of the automotive industry required a measuring...
Powerful Press Machine
Powerful Press Machine
Pressing materials or substances requires robust machines that possess sufficient stability and rigidity, as well as the necessary force. At the same...
Container Platform
Container Platform
Container platform for the transport and handling of heavy items. • Maximum loading area selectable: up to L = 6,000 mm, up to W = 2,500 mm • Maximum...
Small freight elevator
Small freight elevator
In this version of a small lift, the cargo automatically extends into the unloading position. This machine can move both vertically and diagonally up...
Film Cutting Machine for Precise Cuts
Film Cutting Machine for Precise Cuts
Films are challenging materials to handle. Cutting, perforating, and longitudinally slicing films require machines that operate not only precisely but...

Location and contact

AddressAlmoshofer Hauptstrasse 46, DE-90427 Nürnberg
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