

Gewerbering 36, Röttenbach 91341
Founded: 1990
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About us
Hauner Metallic Materials produces pure metals, alloys, compounds, and composite materials for research, development, and production. We specialize in the manufacturing of small quantities.

8 Product and services

Sputter Targets
Sputter Targets
Precious metals, iron – as well as non-ferrous metal alloys, special alloys, and precious metal alloys, Composite materials, oxides Dimensions: Stand...
Inductive Heat Treatment
Inductive Heat Treatment
Soldering under protective gas or vacuum, nitriding, e.g., titanium sonotrodes, surface hardening...
Vapor Deposition Materials
Vapor Deposition Materials
Pure metals, alloys Form: Pellets, flakes, granulate, slugs, etc. Dimensions: Granulate of any grain size Pellets in standard dimensions ø 3 mm x 3 m...
Turning and milling parts made from high-purity materials
Turning and milling parts made from high-purity materials
Turning and milling parts using NC and CNC turning and milling machines. Custom manufacturing from a single piece to small series according to precise...
Sheets and Films
Sheets and Films
Sheets and foils, iron – as well as non-ferrous metal alloys, special alloys, and precious metal alloys, Plated sheets and foils Surfaces: Rolled on ...
Forming Techniques: Flat Rolling of Sheets and Foils
Forming Techniques: Flat Rolling of Sheets and Foils
Materials: Pure metals, Alloys Dimensions: Width: max. 300 mm, Thickness: 1 µm – 30 mm Carl Wezel BW 300 Flat Rolling Mill Rolling width 280 mm...
Melting Metallurgy
Melting Metallurgy
Acuum arc melting with solid electrode (Melting - Casting - Rapid solidification), vacuum arc melting with consumable electrode, vacuum induction melt...
Bars and Wires
Bars and Wires
Pure and high-purity metal wires and metal rods Iron as well as non-ferrous metal alloys, special alloys, and precious metal alloys Standard dimensio...

Location and contact

AddressGewerbering 36, DE-91341 Röttenbach
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