

Güterstrasse 3, Egerkingen 4622
Founded: 1950
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19 Product and services

Components with sufficient toughness can be mechanically oriented.
Induction Hardening
Induction Hardening
Inductive heating is generated directly in the component with a very high power density. The area to be hardened is quickly brought to the hardening t...
Case Hardening/Carbonitriding
Case Hardening/Carbonitriding
Carburizing or enrichment of the surface layer with carbon and nitrogen followed by hardening in oil. Carburizing Enrichment of the surface layer of ...
At treatment temperatures ranging from approximately 800 to 1000 °C, the surface layer of a workpiece is enriched with boron; closed boride layers are...
Crack Testing
Crack Testing
Inspection of your components for cracks using Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) or Dye Penetrant Testing (PT). Partially hardened, surface-hardened, an...
Case Hardening
Case Hardening
Flame hardening, induction hardening, and laser hardening are the three most common surface hardening processes. For decades, they have been widely us...
Special processes for stainless steels. Edge hardening achieves a high surface hardness, a tough core, and excellent corrosion resistance. HARD-INOX-...
Brazing of Metal Parts
Brazing of Metal Parts
Soldering has held a very high importance at Härterei Gerster AG for many years, alongside various heat treatment processes. Originally focused on so...
Vacuum Hardening
Vacuum Hardening
Low-distortion hardening thanks to cooling with nitrogen overpressure. Suitable for high-alloy steels. Bright surfaces. High-alloy steels (e.g., cold...
We offer blasting for component cleaning or for altering surface roughness. The application of specific structures is not possible on our equipment.
Hardening in Protective Gas
Hardening in Protective Gas
Standard Hardening Process for Unalloyed and Low-Alloy Steels Unalloyed and low-alloy steels are heated in a controlled atmosphere and quenched in oi...
Hardening of Aluminum
Hardening of Aluminum
Aluminum alloys can be hardened through quenching in water and appropriate aging (-> precipitation hardening). The principle of precipitation hardeni...
Plasma Nitriding
Plasma Nitriding
The surface layer is chemically altered by the incorporation of nitrogen at temperatures ranging from 400 to 600°C. Minimal distortion. Plasma Nitrid...
Laser Hardening
Laser Hardening
The high-performance diode laser generates a precise laser beam. The surface of the workpiece to be treated is locally heated rapidly (> 1000 °C/secon...
At treatment temperatures of 480 to 580 °C, the surface area is chemically altered by the incorporation of nitrogen and possibly carbon. Minimal disto...

Location and contact

AddressGüterstrasse 3, CH-4622 Egerkingen

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