

Geiselbullacher Strasse 4, Olching 82140
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6 Product and services

Powder Coating: The Optimal Surface
Powder Coating: The Optimal Surface
Our entire passion is dedicated to the optimal powder coating of the products entrusted to us for processing. In the coating process, electrostatical...
Quality Inspections
Quality Inspections
In addition, random inspections such as thickness measurements and cross-cut tests are conducted on the product in our laboratory. Quality without co...
Series Coatings for the Metal Processing Industry
Series Coatings for the Metal Processing Industry
Aluminum parts and profiles, fittings, car rims, sheets, office furniture, covers, ceiling panels, bicycle and motorcycle parts, gardening tools, hous...
Grinding (Trowalizing)
Grinding (Trowalizing)
Mass finishing (tumbling) has become indispensable in modern metal processing due to its outstanding properties. Just as in nature, where the power o...
Individual Coatings for Craft Businesses
Individual Coatings for Craft Businesses
Fittings, decorative items, die-cast parts, facade elements, window grills, window profiles, garden gates, heating enclosures, automotive parts, agric...
Powder coating according to RAL Classic colors and special colors such as NCS, Sikkens, HKS, Pantone...
Powder coating according to RAL Classic colors and special colors such as NCS, Sikkens, HKS, Pantone...
Standard: RAL 840 HR Classic (approximately 600 different colors in stock) Special colors: RAL Design; RAL metallic; Pantone; NCS; Sikkens; other cust...

Location and contact

AddressGeiselbullacher Strasse 4, DE-82140 Olching

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