

17 AVENUE DIDIER DAURAT, Batiment socrate cs 10051, Blagnac 31700
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2019
Employees: 5-9
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About us
Ground Assistance Services offers services to airlines, airport managers, and ground handling companies. Ground Assistance Services operates on the tarmac, which includes baggage handling, aircraft-related activities, providing training, and offering airport equipment. Our operations run 24/7.

9 Product and services

Bypass Pin - Ball Pin / Airbus and Boeing Bypass Pin
Bypass Pin - Ball Pin / Airbus and Boeing Bypass Pin
The aircraft bypass pins allow for the rerouting of the hydraulic system's direction, enabling complete control over the tractor's direction. Failing ...
TELECOMMUNICATION - Ground Operation Aviation Headset
TELECOMMUNICATION - Ground Operation Aviation Headset
The wired aviation headset is an airport equipment designed for ground personnel in the air transport sector to enable effective communication between...
Aerospace Flame - Aerospace Flame NAS1756
Aerospace Flame - Aerospace Flame NAS1756
The nylon aviation flag is an airport equipment designed for the safety of an aircraft's landing gear. This aviation flag is a ribbon designed to ser...
Simple or Double Pion Arrangement
Simple or Double Pion Arrangement
The anchoring pin is equipment dedicated to freight handling operations to ensure secure retention in the hold or in a container. This anchoring mater...
Aircraft Wheel Chocks - Aircraft Wheel Chock
Aircraft Wheel Chocks - Aircraft Wheel Chock
Aircraft transport wheel chocks are airport equipment designed to be placed against the wheels of the landing gear to stabilize the aircraft while par...
Guiding Stick - High Visibility Day Stick
Guiding Stick - High Visibility Day Stick
The day signal stick for airport signaling is a type of flashlight designed for portable lighting on airport runways, used for marking, guiding, or pa...
Traffic Cones - Traffic Cones
Traffic Cones - Traffic Cones
Airport signaling cones are a marking device dedicated to marking airport runway areas for aircraft parking or traffic regulation. Equipped with one ...
Guiding Stick - LED Light Stick
Guiding Stick - LED Light Stick
The airport signaling light stick is a type of flashlight designed for portable lighting on airport runways, for marking, guiding, or positioning airc...
TELECOMMUNICATION - Portable Transceiver
TELECOMMUNICATION - Portable Transceiver
The high-frequency handheld transceiver is a high-tech device dedicated to effective radio communication for personnel on construction sites, as well ...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
Credit card

Location and contact

Address17 AVENUE DIDIER DAURAT, Batiment socrate cs 10051, FR-31700 Blagnac

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