Buchholzstrasse 105, Bergisch Gladbach 51469
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About us
Specialist retailer for BBQ & enjoyment. High-quality grilling equipment, practical accessories, beginner and advanced seminars, grilling events & catering, or custom solutions for outdoor kitchens.

4 Product and services

Fire Magic Echelon 790 BBQ Built in
Fire Magic Echelon 790 BBQ Built in
The Echelon 790 Grill is perfect for large families and professional grillers who want to use their barbecue regularly.
Fire Magic Aurora A660 Built In
Fire Magic Aurora A660 Built In
56cm x 91cm grilling area, 3 pairs of stainless steel "E" burners, Total output of 33.11 KW, Optional: Rotisserie kit with infrared burner, Elegant de...
Fire Magic Aurora 790 BBQ Built In
Fire Magic Aurora 790 BBQ Built In
56cm x 91cm grilling area, 3 pairs of stainless steel "E" burners, Total output of 33.11 KW, Optional: Rotisserie kit with infrared burner, Elegant de...
California Gas Grill Professional 36"
California Gas Grill Professional 36"
California Gas Grill Professional 36" – ideal for building an outdoor kitchen...

Location and contact

AddressBuchholzstrasse 105, DE-51469 Bergisch Gladbach
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