

Böschenweg 15, Flawil 9230
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10 Product and services

Cutting Tools & Circular Knives by Graf Hardmetal
Cutting Tools & Circular Knives by Graf Hardmetal
Carbide is used as a cutting tool in various industries due to its high wear resistance. Carbide blades are renowned for their high hardness, wear re...
Walzrollen, Rings by Graf Hardmetal
Walzrollen, Rings by Graf Hardmetal
Outstanding features include a significantly longer lifespan, the ability to withstand high loads, as well as better surface quality and dimensional s...
Round and rectangular bars by Graf Hardmetal
Round and rectangular bars by Graf Hardmetal
Non-standard blanks are cut to order. We offer the following tungsten carbide rods: • As sintered solid carbide rods, • Rods for circuit board tools...
Inserts from Graf Hardmetal
Inserts from Graf Hardmetal
We offer a complete range of finished indexable inserts with various coatings as well as raw sintered ones. • SF Geometry • QH Geometry • QR Geometry...
Balls and Valves from Graf Hartmetall
Balls and Valves from Graf Hartmetall
Due to their extremely good wear resistance and dimensional stability, tungsten carbide balls are the preferred choice for grinding/milling media, pre...
Hard metals
Hard metals
Hard metals: Hard metal is used in specific applications where, for example, good corrosion, wear, and oxidation properties are required, and it offer...
Carbide Eroding Blocks by Graf Carbide
Carbide Eroding Blocks by Graf Carbide
Solid carbide blocks for stamping and fine stamping technology. This type of carbide is particularly suitable for all parts of the non-cutting process...
Guiding Rolls by Graf Carbide
Guiding Rolls by Graf Carbide
Titanium carbide has proven to be a cost-effective material for the production of guide rolls for wire mills.
Cutting Tools by Graf Hardmetal
Cutting Tools by Graf Hardmetal
Based on years of material research, our metallurgy specialists have successfully developed superfine tungsten carbide powder down to 70 nanometers.
Construction and Special Components by Graf Hardmetal
Construction and Special Components by Graf Hardmetal
Tungsten carbide is used in specialized applications where, for example, good corrosion, wear, and oxidation properties are required, offering above-a...

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Location and contact

AddressBöschenweg 15, CH-9230 Flawil

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