

Peterbauerstrasse 6, Asten 4481
Founded: 1998
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About us
Glogar Umwelttechnik GmbH is one of the leading companies in the development of sophisticated cleaning systems for component cleaning in the field of industrial parts cleaning. We offer component cleaning systems and machines for metal cleaning and degreasing of surfaces, as well as for workpiece cleaning and container cleaning for all manufacturing and processing processes.

24 Product and services

Spray Flood Cleaning Systems
Spray Flood Cleaning Systems
Spray Flood Cleaning Systems for Industrial Applications Glogar Spray Flood Cleaning Systems are used with water-based and environmentally friendly c...
Special - Cleaning Systems
Special - Cleaning Systems
Special - Cleaning Systems for All Applications Glogar offers industrial parts cleaning systems with a high degree of customization tailored specific...
Water Treatment
Water Treatment
Products for Water Treatment.
Circular Timing System
Circular Timing System
In rotary cleaning systems, the multi-stage cleaning processes are carried out on a rotating platform. The individual treatment stages are designed a...
Inline Cleaning Systems
Inline Cleaning Systems
Conveyor and cycle systems are a fundamental component in production facilities, in the automotive supply industry, and in painting technology. The G...
Large Parts - Spray Cleaning Systems
Large Parts - Spray Cleaning Systems
Large Parts - Spray Cleaning Systems - Single and Multi-Bath Systems with a Variety of Special Equipment. Uncompromising Cleaning with Glogar Spray C...
Ultrasonic Components
Ultrasonic Components
Intelligent products and solutions for every task Our innovative products and solutions meet the demands of a wide range of industries. They fulfill ...
Drum Washing Systems
Drum Washing Systems
For the cleaning of bulk materials (e.g., in screw production), a drum washing system is designed for continuous operation. The systems can be config...
Custom filter products for every application. Perfect technical advice and documentation for safe filtration applications. Automotive industry, food...
Custom filter products for every application. Perfect technical consulting and documentation for safe filtration applications. Automotive industry, ...
Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems
Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems
Ultrasonic cleaning systems and ultrasonic cleaning devices for mold cleaning, fine cleaning, tool cleaning, as well as for component cleaning in prod...
Ultrasonic Cleaning Devices
Ultrasonic Cleaning Devices
Ultrasonic devices in all sizes, including oil separators Ultrasonic devices from Glogar are versatile and are used in manufacturing and workshop env...
Parts Washing Table - Brush Washing Table
Parts Washing Table - Brush Washing Table
The parts washing table is available in different sizes (for 60L and 200L barrels), designs, and for various applications. Of course, we also manufact...
Small Parts - Spray Cleaning Systems
Small Parts - Spray Cleaning Systems
Glogar's spray cleaning systems are the ideal entry point for cleaning parts with water-based solutions. Reliability, cost-effectiveness, and efficien...
High-Pressure Wash Basins - Manual Wash Basins
High-Pressure Wash Basins - Manual Wash Basins
High-pressure wash table with viewing window for manual and environmentally friendly use based on aqueous cleaners. An LED lighting and a window clean...

Keywords1 keyword

Company images

Special cleaning systemsUltrasound devicesFine cleaningChamber washing systemsMold CleaningWarehouse cleaningSpray cleaning systemsCleaning Chemicals

Location and contact

AddressPeterbauerstrasse 6, AT-4481 Asten

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