

Raitestraße 1, Renningen 71272
Founded: 1965
Employees: 20-49
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5 Product and services

Screw Cylinder, Hydraulic
Screw Cylinder, Hydraulic
Screw cylinders are ideal for the construction of multiple/clamping devices as well as in mold making. They are directly screwed into the fixture body...
Hydraulic tension cylinder
Hydraulic tension cylinder
Our spring tension cylinders are particularly suitable for long-term clamping of movable parts in mechanical engineering, as well as for clamping pall...
Hollow Piston Cylinder, Hydraulic
Hollow Piston Cylinder, Hydraulic
The hollow piston cylinders from Germa GmbH are characterized by their versatile design. They feature a through hole in the piston rod, significantly ...
Block Cylinder, Hydraulic
Block Cylinder, Hydraulic
Our block cylinders are available in double-acting and single-acting versions, offering an impressive performance of up to 614 kN. With stroke lengths...
Built-in Cylinder, Hydraulic
Built-in Cylinder, Hydraulic
Our application cylinders are particularly suitable for the construction of multiple and clamping devices as well as for mold making. They are directl...

Location and contact

AddressRaitestraße 1, DE-71272 Renningen

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