Schillerstrasse 64, Wetter 58300
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4 Product and services

Do you need a new crane system for a new production area, or is your old system no longer meeting today's requirements? Our technicians are highly t...
Ladders / Gates / Shelves
Ladders / Gates / Shelves
Safety First We have been a competent partner for crane inspections for over 30 years. Additionally, we hold certifications for the inspection of lad...
DGUV Regulations 3 / Risk Assessment for Crane Systems
DGUV Regulations 3 / Risk Assessment for Crane Systems
Electrical Testing According to DGUV An electrical inspection at appropriate intervals is required by the DGUV (Regulation "Electrical Installations ...
Remote Controls
Remote Controls
To ensure the availability of your cranes at all times, in addition to regular maintenance, optimal provision of spare parts and accessories is also a...

Location and contact

AddressSchillerstrasse 64, DE-58300 Wetter
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