

Rua Camilo Castelo Branco, no 91, 25, Vila Nova De Famalicão 4760-127
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2001
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2 Product and services

GEONIK Multilayers LLDPE Geomembrane
GEONIK Multilayers LLDPE Geomembrane
Multi-layer Geomembrane is a two-color coextruded geomembrane manufactured from top-quality Linear Low-Density Polyethylene. This type of sheet can be...
GEONIK Monolayers HDPE Geomembrane
GEONIK Monolayers HDPE Geomembrane
Geomembrane sheets based on PE polymers are manufactured with high density polyethylene. These sheets, depending on the application, are provided in d...

Location and contact

AddressRua Camilo Castelo Branco, no 91, 25, PT-4760-127 Vila Nova De Famalicão
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